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Comment Re:1982 is an interesting comparison in other ways (Score -1, Offtopic) 74

What the fuck are you talking about.
Technical literacy in the 80s was way worse than now. It was the IT availability which was way smaller.
there were also way less computer viruses, much less interconnection between computers, way less standardization, etc. A multitude of factors which made IT very different from what it is now.

Comment Re:None. Go meta. (Score 4, Interesting) 336


Also Drakon charts.

I actually was taught DRAKON charts (a variation of it) in high school back in '96. It tremendously helped me in more ways than strictly programming (which I never embraced). My teacher used to call it pseudocode back then, although Pseudocode is different.
At the time, generating a high level overview of the processes in DRAKON before building any code was mandatory, and it sped up code generation because you always knew what the next steps would be.

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