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Comment Re:Obsession (Score 1) 154

How much is a disappeared citizen worth, exactly? I'm bad at math so please humor me.
More money is spent each DAY on beauty products worldwide than on the entire cost of looking for '370 up to date. Wasted food in the USA costs 40B a year for households alone (Jones, Timothy. Corner on Food Loss. Biocycle, July 2005. p25). Compared to those numbers, looking for 239 missing people is pocket change.

From a different perspective (that is, excluding money from the equation), I agree with you, and that perspective is temporal. Too much time has passed since the plane's disappearance. The chances of finding it are below what I'd consider a threshold for continuing to search for it. And again, I must emphasize on this: it is not about the money to me, and it never was.

Comment Re:Rather late (Score 1) 313

I have 1+TB of music on my HDDs. I don't need an MP3 player to listen to it, and I can listen to any of it, from anywhere, using my mobile phone and PLEX Media Server (on my PC) combined with the Android client (on my phone).
There's one method to achieve hassle-free access to all your music.
The purpose of an MP3 player is different; it's never intended to hold ALL your music, especially if you have alot of it.

Comment Re:Rather late (Score 1) 313

While I would agree with you about not being able to differentiate between MP3 and FLAC in terms of sound, I don't agree about support (even shitty Chinese MP3 players do it natively) and storage space isn't an issue anymore nowadays. Maybe that 1GB MP3 player would fit 10 albums instead of 3 by using MP3 versus FLAC, but that's a sign you should go for a newer MP3 player (as in spend 30 bucks on a 16 GB MP3 player).

Comment Re:Environmentalists is why we still pump carbon (Score 1) 652

Wind and solar are unsuitable for base load due to variability

Sahara disagrees.

Not a perfect solution but a start. There are issues with desert storms and keeping the panels clean (currently done with water, dry cleaning isn't quite there) but if you think about how cars were in the early 1900s... there's hope, to say the least.

Comment Re:It boils down to energy storage costs (Score 1) 652

We're not talking about billion dollar problems, that's a severe underestimation.
Climate fuck-up and possible extinction (yes, it CAN get there, albeit not in the next few centuries, hopefully) can't be counted in dollars. It's actually reaching an infinite amount in damages.
So yes, if a solution costs trillions, then so be it. Do you think it's a lot? What's the total USA debt?

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