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Comment A cornal what? (Score 4, Informative) 151

What's a cornal, again?

All I could find is this:
"A strap or thong with which oxen are tied to the yoke by the horns."

How could that thing eject mass is beyond my comprehension, let alone why should we prepare for it.

Or maybe we're talking about Cornal Hendricks, who can eject mass, and yeah, I'd prepare for that by not sitting behind him.

Comment Re:Obviously. (Score 2) 291

Could it be because the wimps didn't procreate, or if they did, their offspring would likely not reach an age where they could procreate themselves?
Nowadays, with the advancements in medicine, you could live long enough to procreate and have offspring with genetically bad health and risks of various diseases, which 100+ years ago were being removed from the gene pool automatically.

TL;DR: people who a century ago would have died at young age now live enough to generate offspring with inherited bad genetic traits.

Comment (Score 1) 540

I'm Romanian and I support your point of view.

With that being said... there's a huge difference between a socioeconomic systems on paper and socioeconomic systems in practice.
In theory (aka on paper), communism is great. So is democracy. So is monarchy, for that matter. The problem is how (and by whom) they're implemented.
Communism (in its purest form) exists in nature for plenty of species which successfully apply it (e.g. bees, ants to name a few). People, well, that's a totally different thing. People will lie and cheat and play dirty to get a better piece of the pie. There's always going to be few who fuck many in their collective ass, no matter which system we are talking about.
For communism, it's the tip of the party. For democracy, it's the corporations and their boards of directors. For Monarchy, it's the nobility. For a dictatorship, it's the dictator and his cronies.

45 years of communism drastically changed the behavior of my people as a whole. It would probably take all people who lived under communism to die of old age along with their children as well for the country to really be cleansed of behaviors which that system forced us to adopt. That's the amount of damage it did to my countrymen.

Not that applied democracy is much better, to be honest. It might be a step forward but it has a tendency to slide towards extremes, and that's rather obvious nowadays. I think any socioeconomic system should be completely overturned and replaced with a different one every 2-3 generations. Take the old guard out, replace it with a new one. Shake the rotten foundations of an originally good system and replace it with a fresh one which will gradually rot as well, rinse and repeat. Might sound extreme until you think about it and corroborate with what's happening today.

Comment Re:Define technology (Score 1) 231

Where I live, they were.
In '89 we were still under a regime akin to today's North Korea, and whoever had a color TV was either highly politically connected or an illegalist. There were two hours of TV each day (four during weekends) and most of the airtime consisted of praising the dictator.
And yes, there ARE other countries in the world. Who would've thought so?

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