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Comment Re:maybe (Score 4, Insightful) 512

There's also a huge difference between BEING victimized and SAYING you're victimized.
Here's how I see the situation:

During WW2, multiple nations and groups were savagely "victimized" (that's an understatement but we'll go with that as an euphemism): Jews, Gypsies, Poles, homosexuals, etc. It is clear that the most affected were the Jews.
WW2 ended, the deeds were documented, everybody eventually moved on. Everybody but Jews.
Not that I have a problem with that, not at all, people are free to remember the bad things that happened to them, and are free to do that until the end of time. What i have problem with is the fact that their cries became increasingly strident over time. We're currently facing positive discrimination, which is even more ridiculously emphasized that the one regarding black people.

Couple years ago, a lesser government person from my country, due to his severe lack of historical knowledge, said something about the Holocaust, namely he played it down. I don't remember exactly what he said, because I read the statement back then and said "that guy's dumb. So, honey, what do we have for breakfast?" That's exactly how much attention that retard got from me, because that was the attention he was worth. People say dumb things all the time, we don't really pay attention.
BUT! The Jewish association was outraged. How dared he? So they squirmed and pushed and lobbied until that guy was publicly reprimanded by the government and had to go visit the Holocaust Museum in the States, then come back and issue an apology. We, the whole people from my country, had to apologize through our Government for what some dumbass said, and he didn't even really mean it. The poor bastard was uninformed. But nooo, let's not let it go, hurrah, time to rub this in a whole nation's face! said the Jewish Association.

Last Christmas (or Easter? I don't remember. probably Easter) there were some traditional songs being broadcasted over some local county TV station. All nice and good until some song was played which said something about jews, I don't remember what because it was a traditional song (centuries old) and the verses were recited verbatim. It's a documented song, not something made up recently. Anyway, nobody realized it might be offensive to anyone until the very same Jewish association jumped 9 yards and declared that song OFENSIVE and squirmed and pushed and lobbied until the TV station manager was fired and again a public apology had to be issued.

So my advice to Jews and anyone else who acts like that: stop blowing things out of proportion! Your stridence pisses people off and people remember you for being what you don't want to be, rather than what you really are. And to me, you're normal, regular people, not to be hated, not to be looked down at, and to be honest I never ever asked anyone I met what their religion was, because I DO NOT CARE.
But when you act like damsels who faint when they hear the word "spider", you cover yourselves in ridicule. So please, my plea to you is: talk to your representatives ant tell them that not every word issued out of ignorance is a direct attack on your nation.

One more thing: I have a colleague whose last name is Bernstein. I never made the connection until last year when we had a conversation about recent international events and I kept talking about how fascinating is the tech behind the Iron Dome and the Merkava tank, at which point he casually mentioned "yeah i have family in Israel" and only then i realized he was Jewish.
My opinion on him didn't change a bit. It was just a fact, nothing to it.
But if he would have said "yeah we're the best and anyone who messes with us should be put down like a dog" then I would have said "dude you're crazy" and probably wouldn't have talked to him again.
Oh and his manager is German. Heh.

I loathe fanaticism, extremism, the sense of superiority some groups have, etc. And that's valid for ALL groups, regardless of skin color, religion, traditions, past history, etc. And I stop here because most people don't read this wall of text anyway.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 5, Insightful) 512

My non-jewish family was victimized by fascism. But I don't run around yelling "I'm offended!" every time the subject is brought up. My family moved on 5 decades ago, and I still think it took the a bloody long time to do it.

Seriously, stop it. Just let it go and move on. You're doing nobody any good.

Comment Re:Beh (Score 1) 86

While I agree that a better format could have been chosen, I dislike the "not worth my attention" part. What does the format have anything to do with the content?
It's like saying "fuck classic movies because they're not 3D".

Comment Re:Don't buy cheap android (Score 3, Informative) 291

Let me tell you about my February 2014 Samsung S4 Mini.

1. The Wireless Radio fails unexpectedly for no reason. All of a sudden I see that it's no longer connected to the wireless network and can't find any wireless network, although the icon is lit in settings. When trying to disable and re-enable it, it takes 2 minutes to disable it, then it works fine after I re-enable it... until it fails again.

2. The GSM radio fails unexpectedly, and what makes it worse is that you don't know until you try to call someone, when it tells you "The phone is not registered to the network". In the meanwhile, people try to contact you and they can't. There is no visual clue of what's happening: the phone still shows as having signal, etc. The only workaround is to reboot the device.

3. Screen activation can be made both from the lateral button and the bottom "home" button, which doubles the chances of the screen unexpectedly being activated while the phone is in my pocket. This happens quite a few times every day, while my former phone (HTC Desire S) never ever did that, because the activation button was on top of the device.

4. At least once every two days, the screen starts registering "taps" by itself. It looks as if a ghost is rattling its fingers on my screen. Effects include but are not limited to people being called out of the blue from my phone (I have quick call icons on a screen), icons being dragged around, features being activated and deactivated a random, And a particularly hilarious SMS message sent to someone from my list of contacts: "Pe la p Pl pe Pl o plop plop plop Pl o pop lol". Less funny is an SMS sent to a friend whose relative died: "Thanks u mean by". After a while it stops as suddenly as it started. Of course, while that happens I can't use my phone because my taps get overridden or mixed by the ghost taps. There is no workaround apart from popping the cover and pulling the battery out, because in their wisdom the software makers decided that if you tap outside the "Restart Phone?" pop-up, it should get canceled.

5. If you have more than 100 pictures in your gallery, zooming on a picture or panning across a zoomed picture is nearly impossible, the phone is being brought to its knees.

6. When using "read aloud" on a book, the phone prompts you to download high quality voice file, you click OK, then see "Samsung Apps - a new version is available". You tap "Update", then get "Error: Installation failed. Try Later (-2)". Tap OK, you're prompted for the high quality voice file again. There's a checkmark "Do not show again" which does nothing. Clicking Cancel pops the same window again. And again. And again, ad nauseam.

7. Every now and then, if someone calls me while I listen to music on the phone, the music pauses for the ring, then once I accept the conversation the music resumes, so the caller speaks on musical background. Not really entertaining. Maybe I should have my friends growl to match my metal musical tastes.

I utterly hate Samsung phones right now.

Comment Re:Wow. Terrble Turn. (Score 1) 752

My country shares its largest border with Ukraine.
Not sure what information you're getting but here we get a lot of first hand information both from the media and from people who travel there personally.
Furthermore, I was referring to what happened AFTER Ukraine leadership changed, because it is a different conflict. It's located in a different area and has slightly different parties involved.

Comment Re:Black hole? (Score 1) 277

Wait, wait.

Having appropriate people access employee's X e-mail account is one thing. Security group, Legal group, etc.
Having someone's e-mails forwarded to their manager is outside of those bounds.

One example would be me sending an e-mail to a colleague who works under the same manager telling them that I'm dissatisfied with how the manager performs, or an e-mail exchange between me and HR about my manager's misconduct in this or that area. These are things that are company-owned, but my manager should not be able to access.

Where I work, nobody can access my e-mail address (legally) unless they have legal approval. Ironically, it's a company which is rather hated here on /. - not that I care, it's just a job.

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