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Journal Journal: When all else fails 3

There is a time when everything you prepare for comes true and you find it still lacking. Recently with the ice and Snow storms, A remote site I do IT work with suffered some power outages. The battery backups held, the Generator kicked over and the only problem was that we needed to change to hold time before the generator shuts off after power was restored to around 10 minutes instead of 5 because of failed attempts from the power company lasting only 6 or 7 minutes.

Anyways, things went down hill from there, the phones went out but we still had internet. A T1 line that somehow is routed from another direction then the regular phone lines. Verizon isn't able to set up VoIP or run the phones through the T1 in the area so the 6 lines were completely dead even though we still had the T1 working. I had a backup plan though, we have the 800 number forwarded to the home office of the owner and used VoIP that I connected with a Asterix to forward some calls and a VPN to run programs and all. This worked well the first two days but now the T1 is out and Verizon is telling me that it won't be until Monday (I talked to them last on friday morning) before they can do anything about it. We do have a business contract with them that states something about 24 hour turn around for techs but it appears the problem is something like a Tree fell through the CO and they have some major repairs they need to do before anything between me and them will make a difference.

So off to plan C, we hacked together a cell phone amplifier using a combination of a mobile amp I use in my truck and a internal building amplifier kit that was used at another site I administrate until they relocated and I scavenged the equipment and got cell phone service in pretty good shape at the facility. It normally has spotty reception but between the two kits, we got all the major services covered and started using employee phones as "extensions" by answering the 800 number being forwarded to the owners cell phone and then doing a call back from an employees phone at our expense. This went swimmingly for about 3 hours until the cell towers took a total dump in the area. Apparently, it has been going on and off and with our spotty reception, we didn't notice it.

For now, we have "voice mail" at Verizon's facility giving a message describing the problems and people two towns away checking the voice mail and doing call backs but they are severely limited because the computers and data can't be transferred without disrupting what little in house work that can be done and without internet access, we can't even sync the data. Last I heard, someone was going to run price sheets and availability requests ever couple of hours until something comes back on line.

I've done everything I can think of outside of using the CB radio which would limit what we could do anyways because I couldn't legally put enough power across them to connect the sites as well as transmitting personal information. I need to know, is there something like that in which I can use a radio or something for relatively cheap when all else fails like this? We can't even get emergency services in the area without driving 6-8 miles away on a still snow covered and icy road that twists and turns quite a bit so I hope no one has a heart attack and nothing catches on fire.

I'm thinking there has to be something that could be done using radios of some sort. Another Client uses parts of the 800mhz spectum for county services and they have the ability to send data as well as patch calls from the office to the radio in the vehicles. But, they are a government office and their equipment costs quite a bit. What I would need is something that I can either send data over in a protected way to give network access like a VPN or to carry "phone lines" from about 20 miles away where the phones actually work to the office. They will probably lose about 250-300 grand in sales if the phones or something close to it goes back up by Monday morning. Cost is an issue but there is no need not to expect to spend money- especially when public safety is involved. However, we can't be doing a million dollar investment or anything like that for a worsts case scenario situations. This is the first time I have had it get this bad. I have a truck that I can mount an antenna mast on for the remote location, fixing an antenna at the site won't be a problem, I can be hidden in the trees on the back side of a hill.

Any thoughts on what else could be done? It doesn't have to be something to cover this situation but I feel lost when I can't pull a rabbit out of my hat and make everyone smile. I'm not against looking into different radio tech myself but I think for what we need, I would have to get licensed at both places which makes a mobile state sort of hard to accomplish, I'm pretty sure I would have to purchase a channel or channels to operate on, and I'm not even close to knowing what would be needed as far as equipment goes or what the terminology to use when asking. I'm not even sure if I can get the speeds needed to accomplish what I want from radio either.

Another thought I had was using dry wire or the lines used to remote alarm system monitoring and patching voice over it with an Asterix box or something. It doesn't depend on power from the CO and is supplied by the customer much like an ISDN line. I think it can be connected point to point similarly to a T1 but without the need for the equiptment on the telco side of life. I'm still not positive on that though. However, I'm afraid it might have been effected by the same issues that the CO has with the tree and all knocking everything out. I'm not sure there is equipment was damages or if it was just power issues though.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Instant Greenhouse 2

So I was presented with a problem.

    A friend of mine has a few hundred orchids. She grows them as a hobby (I say unhealthy obsession, but hey...) They can't take temperatures below 40 degrees without getting damage.

    We're here in sunny Florida, so it'd never get below 40, right? Wrong. Last night the low was 32. Tonight it's forecast to be 22.

    She has a propane heater with a parabolic dish on top, like you may see outside a restaurant or bar. it's nice and all, and provides plenty of radiant heat in a circular, but a cold breeze will ruin that heating. It also doesn't provide a large enough heating area..

    I love a problem. It calls for a solution. Last night at about 10pm, I made the first attempt at a solution. We went to Walmart, and bought plastic sheeting (like painters drop cloth, but 3mil thick), and I duct taped it to the available cement surfaces around her porch, where she had gathered all the plants she couldn't fit inside. Unfortunately, she has more plants than will fit on the porch, so part of the plastic extends about 6 feet beyond the farthest wall of the house.

That worked well. The porch dipped into the high 50's, with the outside temperature at freezing.

    We have 3 thermometers placed. One is at an inside corner, easily visible from inside. That's so we can see how cold it is when we go outside to smoke. One is now at the outer edge of the plastic, at ground level. The third is on the edge of her property, so we can get an undisturbed outside temperature reading.

    Unfortunately, duct tape and stucco don't mix well. Sometime this morning, all the plastic fell, because the tape gave way.

    Tonight, the project was to replace the uppermost horizontal edge with 1x2 wood, screwed into the wall.

    The current temperature outside is 30 degrees. According to our thermometers it is 32. The inside edge thermometer reads 56. Whee! The coldest protected area is 16 degrees above minimum. By the door is 68 degrees.

    It's comfortable enough to sit outside, where I'm writing this from my laptop now.

    I'm proud of myself, that I managed to build a functional (functional enough) 15x10x9 greenhouse on a budget of about $25. :)

    Now that I've shown it can work, she's seriously considering what I had suggested before. She keeps all of her plants around her swimming pool, which is contained in a screened porch. I offered to make plastic panels (greenhouse plastic, not crappy barely translucent "clear" plastic), so she can enclose the whole thing.

    The cool part about using the whole porch is that she has a solar heated pool. It does get warm in the winter, but it loses it's heat to the atmosphere. I did a budget for her, and it would be a very small fraction of what a professional company would charge.

    I love being handy, and doing things for cheaper than you could pay someone to do. :) Ok, they'd have it done faster, but I'll have the opportunity to take my time and do it exactly as she wants. I know, I should make money on it, but I really enjoy doing something constructive, and this would be one of those things. :) I could have been programming something, but this was more fun for the evening, even though I didn't get started until after dark, so I didn't get finished until it was already freezing outside. And hey, I saved lives tonight. Well, plant lives, but it's something. :)

    I know, this won't impress anyone who's sitting in negative degrees right now, but ... well ... you should move South if you don't like the fridged cold. That's why I haven't moved up North. :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Encrypted Message Follows @ 12/27/2008 22:00 2

Encrypted Message Follows
Base64 encoded
AES265 encrypted
User Journal

Journal Journal: Did you get a survey re: Slashdot? 5

I had this come to me today.

Is this legit? A well crafted spam/mining operation? Sent to zillions of /.ers?

My tinfoil hat is buzzing, probably for no reason as is the norm.

Dear grub: My name is Lily Liu. I am a PhD student carrying our a project with my supervisor Christian Wagner ( who is a professor at City University of Hong Kong. We are trying to understand the popularity of Slashdot to its active contributor, such as you. We hope you might be able to help us in our effort by answering three questions.

*Question 1:*
In your opinion, what (if so) makes Slashdot special among online discussion sites? Is it the content, the group of people it draws in, the discussion engine (e.g., content rating and filters), or possibly other factors?

*Question 2: *
Compared with other discussion sites you know or/and have used, do you consider Slashdot's technology platform to be better? In other words, does it encourage (a) more sense of community or (b) more active participation?
(In answering please also feel free to mention the other discussion site or sites you might be comparing to)

*Question 3:*
As a unique user in Slashdot, could you please rate your own reciprocity by assessing what you get from the community compared with what you contribute to it?(you can give an answer such as: i think i get more or i contribute more,of course we would be very appreciative for your explanation of detail)

Please let us know at your earliest convenience. We will quickly summarize results and gladly send you a summary, if you are interested (and sufficient replies are received to create a meaningful summary).

Thank You for Your Time and Valuable Feedback!



Journal Journal: Religion vs Religion 2

So I'm sick, and instead of sleeping like a normal person I'm roaming the web because apparently that's in some way intelligent or something.

And I run across this poll by the economist, and I'd never seen this exact poll before, but I've seen about a thousand like it...It's basically a contrast of the American groupthink vs the European groupthink. In this case, it's the Brits.

First section is "Religion" and the third question is:

"Which explains the origin of the Earth?"
~30% of Americans and ~65% of the Brits said "Evolution"
~40% of Americans and ~10% of the Brits said "The Bible"
~20% of Americans and ~18% of the Brits said "Intelligent Design"

Now, to me there is only one right answer to that question: The fucking Bible.

Evolution is ..."the changes seen in the inherited traits of a population from one generation to the next. These changes are relatively minor from one generation to the next, but accumulate with each subsequent generation and can eventually cause substantial changes in the organisms." It's go no fucking thing what-so-ever to do with the origin of Earth or life on Earth.

Intelligent Design is too stupid and intellectually bankrupt to even rate a place on the list, so that leaves only the Bible, which, imho, is wrong, but the question doesn't say anything about accuracy so it remains the only thing on the list that correctly answers the question.

So, on the one hand, we have a bunch of people who think the sky fairy made everything. On the other hand, we have a bunch of people who think Evolution has something to do with the origin of fucking life!

Part of me hopes that the 10% or so who actually knew that the poll was horseshit hung up, or answered "Evolution" as a short-hand way of saying "Whatever scientific theory of abiogenesis has the most evidence behind it today." But in the end, the only thing the poll really says is that the cult of the jewish sheepfarmers is less popular in Britain than the cult of the toaster oven...And that 20% of both population groups believe whatever you tell 'em.

I guess I should take comfort in the fact that at least they're more secular over there, but all it really does is drive home the fact that, of any group of humans, the vast majority are completely ignorant at any given time, and that science can be just as irrationally religious as any religion.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Whore-jitsu 2

So yesterday this article pops up, a piece of article trolling not-so-subtly designed to appeal to people like yours truly (wordy ego-driven serial karma-whores). So I bang out a reasonably obvious reply. Fine, mission accomplished.

Then along comes some AC who decides that I need some kind of affirmational literary blowjob which basically throws my trite and whorish soul into sharp relief, provoking a fit of cleansing-through-self-loathing which is immediately moderated to +5 insightful, and adorned with yet still more affirmation.

Truly, I am the king of whores. I don't do it on purpose, I just can't seem to stfu. I used to write a column in my college newspaper; at least those led to free beer and sex.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Hey Motorhead Fans.... 5

Rock Out video from the great new disc Motorizer.

They had to change "Rock out, with your cock out, impress your lady friends" to just "Rock out, rock out, impress your lady friends"

Ah well, all is great. Hope they make it back here, you feel like you've been through 10 rounds with Mike Tyson after a show.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Tesla Coil science fair project? 4

G'evening all!

    My friend's son wants to build a Tesla coil for his 7th grade science fair project. I'm perfectly capable of helping him accomplish this, but I've run into a pretty major snag. There has to be a hypothesis, and the coil would need to prove or disprove that hypothesis.

    I have no idea what we could use it to test.

    Can anyone make any suggestions?



Journal Journal: OpenPandora open for pre-orders! 5

The team at OpenPandora have opened up 3000 pre-order slots - better hurry up before they're all gone!

If you've no idea what the Pandora is, it's a handheld gaming console that runs linux, and is powerful enough to handle games like Quake III comfortably. Here are the basic specs:

  • ARM® Cortex(TM)-A8 600Mhz+ CPU running Linux
  • 430-MHz TMS320C64x+(TM) DSP Core
  • PowerVR SGX OpenGL 2.0 ES compliant 3D hardware
  • 800x480 4.3" 16.7 million colours touchscreen LCD
  • Wifi 802.11b/g, Bluetooth & High Speed USB 2.0 Host
  • Dual SDHC card slots & SVideo TV output
  • Dual Analogue and Digital gaming controls
  • 43 button QWERTY and numeric keypad
  • Around 10+ Hours battery life

I've placed my pre-order already - I think it's time to dust off the old OpenGL books! :)

User Journal

Journal Journal: J.K.Rowling wins $6750, and pound of flesh 17

J.K. Rowling didn't make enough money on Harry Potter, so she had to make sure that the 'Harry Potter Lexicon' was shut down. After a trial in Manhattan in Warner Bros. v. RDR Books, she won, getting the judge to agree with her (and her friends at Warner Bros. Entertainment) that the 'Lexicon' did not qualify for fair use protection. In a 68-page decision (PDF) the judge concluded that the Lexicon did a little too much 'verbatim copying', competed with Ms. Rowling's planned encyclopedia, and might compete with her exploitation of songs and poems from the Harry Potter books, although she never made any such claim in presenting her evidence. The judge awarded her $6750, and granted her an injunction that would prevent the 'Lexicon' from seeing the light of day.
User Journal

Journal Journal: U. Mich. student calls for prosecution of Safenet

An anonymous University of Michigan student targeted by the RIAA as a 'John Doe', is asking for the RIAA's investigator, Safenet (formerly MediaSentry), to be prosecuted criminally for a pattern of felonies in Michigan. Known to Michigan's Department of Labor and Economic Growth -- the agency regulating private investigators in that state -- only as 'Case Number 162983070', the student has pointed out that the law has been clear in Michigan for years that computer forensics activities of the type practiced by Safenet require an investigator's license. This follows the submissions by other 'John Does' establishing that Safenet's changing and inconsistent excuses fail to justify its conduct, and that Michigan's legislature and governor have backed the agency's position that an investigator's license was required.
User Journal

Journal Journal: ABA Judges Get an Earful about RIAA Litigations 5

Well, I was afforded the opportunity to write for a slightly different audience -- the judges who belong to the Judicial Division of the American Bar Association. I was invited by the The Judges' Journal, their quarterly publication, to do a piece on the RIAA litigations for the ABA's Summer, 2008, 'Equal Access to Justice' issue. What I came up with was 'Large Recording Companies vs. The Defenseless : Some Common Sense Solutions to the Challenges of the RIAA Litigations', in which I describe the unfairness of these cases and make 15 suggestions as to how the courts could make it a more level playing field. I'm hoping the judges mod my article '+5 Insightful', but I'd settle for '+3 Informative'. For the actual article go here (PDF). (If anyone out there can send me a decent HTML version of it, I'll run that one up the flagpole as well.)
Operating Systems

Journal Journal: Virtualisation 2

So I finally got round to trying virtualisation :) When I looked at it before most options were rather expensive or limiting. Of course when I first looked at it I had the idea that I'd prefer to have direct disk access rather than run from a fake hard drive, but I can see the logic in keeping the hard drives in files as it will make it much easier to transfer the VMs between machines and create full backups really quickly.

I've been meaning to look into this for months, but have been busy with coding and generally keeping things running as they are while at work. I'm often stuck between "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and the knowledge that I could improve the way things are working around here if it weren't for the fact that there are workers in Houston who need to connect into our network til about midnight UK time, so any serious maintenance I want to do I've had to do at midnight on a friday night. At home I spend most of my time playing the PS3 or watching movies, though this past weekend I finally remembered to try setting up a VM.

I have been using OSX exclusively at home and decided that I may as well run OSX at work too, with an XP VM for the things that need XP (Outlook, Windows development IDEs.. and I guess Winamp :p ), while the rest of the stuff I use (Firefox, Apache, perl, and even Remote Desktop) all have native OSX versions.

After a test of this I may consider rolling VMs out onto some of our servers, but I'm not convinced that the overhead involved in running several OSes instead of one will be worth it when it comes to server performance - especially when it comes to memory. Exchange likes its memory. Hardware permitting though, it would be pretty cool to be running a Linux base OS (which wouldn't need rebooting very often, if at all) and some Windows Server stuff on top, with different services across different VMS, so that if one service screws up it can be rebooted (or otherwise sorted, but reboots are usually a good start) without affecting anything else, and it would be easier to do stuff like roll back patches. Our fastest server is a dual core Opteron with 4GB of RAM - which to me doesn't seem suitable for server virtualisation. We're also going through a bit of a cash crisis at the moment (the sales department haven't been doing their job very well!), so I'm definitely not going to ask to upgrade any servers at the moment, but I'll bear it in mind for the next round of hardware :)

I'm also interested to see if any of our engineering packages can run properly on VMs (would probably require a decent level of OpenGL support to run at anything near acceptable speeds), and then I'd be justified in buying something like an 8 (or more :D ) core beast with oodles of RAM and a massive RAID array, then have the engineers remote desktop into it when they need to do heavy calculations. At the moment we have a couple of machines for fluid dynamics or stress calculations so that a solve can be left running without slowing down other work, but they are only running XP Pro and therefore can only have one user logged in at a time obviously.

If anyone reads this I'd be interested to hear what they have been doing with Virtualisation? One of the most basic and practical ideas I've heard is that someone does all his browsing in a VM - that's a great idea from a security standpoint, but if it requires keeping a spare copy of XP going just to browse then it is perhaps a bit wasteful. Running a browser in DSL could be a good idea from a resources standpoint, but then you can't use Internet Explorer for the very few sites that may still require it (though you could always install WINE). Thankfully I haven't seen any sites recently that don't work in Firefox :)

I do ramble a bit, sorry if my sporadic thoughts smack slightly of ADHD, or if my thinking is still a bit behind the bleeding edge - I am perfectly capable when it comes to technology and especially computers, but since I moved away from home I no longer spend all my spare time in geeky pursuits, as my friends have always been more interested in stuff like music and film. I love music and films too of course, but I often forget how much of a geek I really am deep down ;) It's funny to hear my friends or people on radio/TV talk about computers, you just have to laugh (or sometimes, cry) at how clueless they are. I've spent my whole life using computers so I just know so many things that seem so obvious to me, but other people only know what's going on onscreen and often have no clue of what's happening underneath. But I digress (massively, uncontrollably, neurotically). I shall stop here and let others either tear me apart or provide useful and informative discussion.

User Journal

Journal Journal: eBay beats Tiffany's in trademark case 2

Tiffany's has lost its bid to hold eBay liable for trademark infringement of Tiffany's brands taking place on eBay. After a lengthy bench trial (i.e. a trial where the judge, rather than the jury, decides the factual questions), Judge Richard J. Sullivan has issued a 66-page decision (PDF) carefully analyzing the facts and legal principles, ultimately concluding that 'it is the trademark owner's burden to police its mark, and companies like eBay cannot be held liable for trademark infringement based solely on their generalized knowledge that trademark infringement might be occurring on their websites'.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Gone Fishing 2

So I've had the long standing joke about fishing with C4.. It usually starts with someone saying they enjoy fishing. Then I say I like fishing too. As long as I have enough C4. I don't have the patients to spend the whole day with a string in the water not catching anything.

    Years after I started joking about it, there was a Stargate::SG1 episode where one of the guys (the annoying good/bad guy) gets stuck on a planet. He would take a ball of C4, about the size of a baseball (if I remember right), put a remote detonator in it, and throw it in the water. He'd push a button on the remote, you'd here a "beep beep" {BOOM}. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen.

    So, out of curiosity, I went looking for "Fishing with C4" on Google. Funny thing, nothing came up. Not a single page about fishing with C4. I'm so upset.

    When I was a kid, I was talking with a state fish & game officer, who was telling us a story. He heard a loud explosion in the distance, so he went to investigate. He came up to a lake, and there was a little old man in a boat who seemed perfectly content fishing. Then he watched him light a stick of dynamite, and toss it over the side of the boat. {BOOM} He then rowed around, and picked up several floating fish.

    After the officer's ears stopped ringing, he yelled and waved at the old man. The old man rowed over to the shore.

    "What were you doing?" asked the officer.

    "Fishing", replied the old man.

    "You can't fish with explosives! That's illegal!"

    "But, " said the old man, "I learned this from my pappy, who learned it from his pappy. We've fished like this for a long time. This is the way it's done. I don't know how you kids do it, you barely ever catch anything."

    Realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere, and respecting the old man, he simply told him, "Really, it's illegal. You could go to jail for this. I'm going to turn around, get in my truck and leave. Be careful, and don't get caught."

    It may be illegal, but if I'm hungry, and I have C4 in my pocket, I'm going to have a feast. :)


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