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Comment Re:No (Score 1) 318

That's just BS.

No it isn't. It is a fact of human development.

That doesn't mean helicopter parenting is in order or that they can't manage at home by themselves for a while with generally increasing autonomy, but it does mean that expecting adult thinking about longer term life choices will be hit and miss at best. It makes no more sense to hold them forever responsible for their actions than it does to teach calculus in kindergarten.

While pulling everything off the internet forever isn't really possible, we can certainly disallow use of old information from childhood when deciding on employment or credit at the very least.

Comment So where is the rending of garments? (Score 5, Insightful) 123

Snowden hands over evidence that the NSA has been illegally spying on U.S. citizens and Allies (not to mention perjuring itself before Congress) to an American journalist resulting in a careful release of some data to prove the allegation and the feds call for his head on a platter, even risking an international incident or two to try to disappear him.

The OPM fumbles and hands over 4.2 million very detailed dossiers on federal employees and 21 million others with security clearance to China and the feds say "no worries, we'll give you a year of credit monitoring.....eventually.".

Comment Re:Why do you need this stuff on the internet at l (Score 1) 85

I can imagine a few good reasons *IF* security is tight enough. For example, many people don't know in advance when they will return home. It might be nice to bump the heat up or the AC down when they're on their way. Some people get 'lock anxiety' when they are out (OMG, did I forget to lock the door). Now they can be sure.

The key is to make sure it is secure. My preference would be a firewall rule on the router that allows me to ssh to a designated box that then allows me to control the home systems. Make it pubkey authentication only.

As for the intranet, given how many people fail to secure their WiFi, I wouldn't count on that keeping it secure either. Better if there is decenty authentication on the device itself.

Submission + - Check whether Hacking Team demoed cyberweapons for your local cops (

v3rgEz writes: Turns out death squads aren't the only agencies buying Hacking Squad's controversial spyware. Town from Miami Shores, FL to Eugene, OR appeared on a list of US agencies that received demonstrations from the hacked surveillance vendor. MuckRock has mapped out who was on the lists, and is working to FOIA what these towns actually bought, if anything. Check and see if your city is on the map.

Comment Re:The real benefit to this system (Score 1) 68

Except the player's actual height is irrelevant. The strike zone is measured as the batsman stands awaiting the pitch (that is, hunched up somewhat with knees bent).

The process did tighten up the strike zone sufficiently and it worked because it kept the umpire in charge with the machine simply providing feedback.

Comment Re:No (Score 1) 318

You support laws like Megan's law, which punishes sex offenders long after they have paid their debt to society (served their time). What's good for them is good for you. Get over it.

Actually, I don't. I espectally don't support putting people who pissed on dumpsters in the middle of the night on those lists.

It's people with your attitude who support those laws.

Life used to have a total reset button. Move 100 miles and you become who you say you are. You had to start over with trust in your community, but if you learned from your previous mistake, you could come to be seen as an upstanding member of the community.

Comment Re:Embarrassment (Score 1) 318

Unless what you did in public was done as an employee, it really shouldn't impact your professional life. Unless, of course, you care to count that cookie you snitched when you were 5 as a crime for the purposes of that little checkbox on your application. And do we really want to hire you when we see that you once got into a slap fight over who had cooties?

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