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Comment Trust != Faith (Score 1) 105

The fact that you COULD observe it, doesn't mean you actually will.

Which is irrelevant. Nobody has time to observe everything themselves. If it becomes important that I confirm it for myself then I will take the time and effort to do so.

Thus, until you actually observe it yourself, your knowledge of reality is still coming through faith.

Wrong. Trust is not the same thing as faith. I trust that which I have the ability to confirm even if only in theory. I trust the scientific process because I have copious evidence that (in general) it works AND I always have the option of confirming for myself if needed. There is no need for me to try to confirm every scientific observation myself. There is no need for BLIND faith either because I always have the option to confirm the observation should I feel the need.

I very much doubt that many could afford a telescope that could see Titan, and so their knowledge will never rise above a simple belief that the scientist knows better than he does and he is not deceptive.

No one needs to buy a telescope to see Titan because you can simply borrow one. Any local astronomy club almost assuredly has one you can use. And even if you did need to buy one, such a telescope is not very expensive. I have one sitting 30 feet from me as I type this which isn't terribly powerful or well maintained.

I might add that the criteria of 'duplication' in many of the most advanced areas of physics are close to impossible for all but a very select few.

As long as the results can be duplicated independently by more than one group then we are good. Some observations are more difficult than others but they remain observations rather than blind faith. Your argument is a strawman.

Comment If you can observe it, it is not religion (Score 4, Insightful) 105

But anything you just believe because the "smart people" say it's so? That's religious faith, plain and simple.

Wrong. There is one HUGE and critical difference. I can at any time I wish attempt to duplicate the experiment of the scientist. With religion there is no possibility of confirming the assertions of religious "wise men" because they are making claims that cannot be falsified. For example I haven't actually gotten out a telescope to confirm the existence of the moon Titan around Saturn even though plenty of scientists assure me it is there. However I can actually do so any time I wish. That is not religion, it is simply pragmatism. I don't have time to confirm everything for myself but I'm willing to lend more credence to observations I can replicate myself if I so choose.

Religion is taking something on blind faith that cannot be confirmed with observation. That is enormously different than trusting to a scientist who is describing his observations.

Comment Re: If everyone loses their jobs... (Score 1) 530

Right, because automation causes poverty.

Not automation, but automation combined with free market fundamentalism. The former causes disturbances in economy and the latter prevents efficient safety nets to ensure proper maintenance of human resources who's primary supply of income gets cut by them. This combination makes the economy extremely fragile, both because the resulting lack of flexibility but also because people compensate by overreacting to any negative signal.

That is why countries like Afghanistan, Ethiopia, and Somalia, that wisely avoided the "productivity catastrophe", are doing well, while countries adopting automation, like America, Europe, and Japan, are starving.

United States is starving. Europe makes do with filthy socialism and Japan with the remnants of feudalism. But don't worry, you've succesfully propagandized about the wonders of austerity, so it's unlikely that Europe will rise from depression any time soon.

Comment Re:more leisure time for humans! (Score 2) 530

Sounds awfully like feminism or progressivism to me.

They can become religions, certainly. Progressivism has a built-in sense of destiny - a divine plan - and feminism began as a demand for more just world and developed a weird cult-like fringe later.

Ideologies are generally counterproductive my friend, except Buddhism, and that only because its first and last instructions are to reject ideologies, including this one.

Go ahead and reject ideologies, then. Now how will you get food? You can't just buy it, after all, without interacting with the local economic system in ways acceptable to that system - and if you do, you're not rejecting its values in any meaningful way.

This is what I meant when I said people aren't really in control of their destiny: believe what you will, but you'll still obey the overlords or die.

Comment Re:more leisure time for humans! (Score 1) 530

What I do know is that as long as there are people there will be something person A wants from person B and vice versa, and with that basis for trade there will be an economy, and something akin to jobs.

There is, however, an important difference between working to get food and working to get concert tickets. Current economy is ultimately based on coercion: work or die, or at least be extremely miserable. A society where all basic production is automated could guarantee an unconditional middle-class income to its members, so working would be strictly a matter of personal ambition.

Then again, we could already have an unconditional minimum income - and likely end up with a more efficient economy, since it's the coercion-based hierarchy that's the main source of inefficiency in corporations - yet don't do that for ideological reasons. So that suggests we'll see the nightmare scenario of ever-increasing wealth concentration and worsening dystopia instead.

Comment Re:Misused? Murder is intrinsic in communism. (Score 1) 530

Ayn Rand may have been batshit crazy about some things, but she also was accurate on some of her observations of human nature.

Batshit crazy or just a cynical and calculating con(wo)man. Either would be consistent with flattering the powerful and letting them pretend to be the victims rather than the victimizers...

Comment Re:more leisure time for humans! (Score 5, Interesting) 530

Wow, quite a distortion you came up with there. Granted, Marx did say some interesting things but the question should be why communism would allow companies to build machines that remove income from humans? For that matter, why is a "capitalist Republic" allowing it now?

Because a system, once build, is more than just a sum of its parts. It has independent existence and motives. What that means is that neither communism, nor capitalism, nor USA nor China, are under human control, so why would they serve human interests, except incidentally? Yes, these systems have human actors making decisions, but these humans can only make decisions within parameters given by the system itself - a Foxconn CEO must do whatever it takes to keep Foxconn "competitive", and if he won't, he'll be replaced by someone who will, and likely severely punished. An American politician must accept a system-approved role - a set of political positions - if he wants to be elected. A dictator, while seemingly free, faces the same situation, except the punishment for disobedience is death rather than merely dropping out. Human beings, even those seemingly in control, are little more than agent-slaves of the Lovecraftian monstrosity they've conjured.

No one wanted World War I, yet it still happened. Neither the Soviets nor the Americans wanted the world to end, yet they came within hair's width of blowing it all up during the Cuban crisis. Chinese don't want to breath a poisonous fume, yet Peking's air is just that. People regularly refer to "the market" like it was a living thing that needs to be appeased and soothed and definitely not something anyone can control - because, in some ways, it is.

Human beings aren't in control of their own nor the destiny of the world, and haven't been since civilization began. I suspect this is the real reason religions keep popping up: beneath the bizarre cruft all traditions tend to accumulate, they present a perfectly accurate picture of the everyday experience of living in a world ruled by utterly inhuman and mostly invisible forces. For example, "Free Market" is, for all intents and purposes, the god of capitalism, gets treated that way by everyone, has sacrifices performed to it, has temples and priests trying to predict its capricious whims, is the object of fundamentalist faith - I've had people define a human's very right to live in terms of body ownership - and doctrinal conflicts, etc. Someone who wasn't indoctrinated to the system from birth could hardly avoid classifying this all as a typical religion.

Comment Re:Get it right (Score 1) 102

Nice put down if we were not speculating about something nobody has observed. Of course we are using examples from the land of make-believe.

I once read a story about an alien who didn't have to eat because it was powered by a perpetual motion engine. Does such an alien make a good example of something we might actually encounter? No, because it's at odds with reality as we know it.

Just because we are using imaginary examples doesn't mean all such examples are equally credible.

Comment Re:Any Memory?? what judge will go on just that? (Score 0) 415

The cops get bolder every year, and people just go along.

All aspects of US keep getting worse. The only thing everyone in the country seem to agree with is that the system itself is their enemy. Add normalization of corruption, the complete dysfunction of the political system, and an economy that's increasingly unable to provide security, comfort or even hope for the better to most citizens, and this starts looking a lot like a collapse in process.

Nations live and die by their perceived legitimacy amongst their citizens, and US is losing its. Just look at the +5 Insightful you got. The story where the representative of national authority is the villain is overcoming the story where they're the hero, despite all the propaganda being pushed out by the Hollywood, tv, etc. The main thing keeping the whole mess still together is the national cult - flag-waving patriotism - but even that's being overcome by tribalism.

Oh well. It'll be "interesting" to see whether China or Russia will assert itself as the new superpower after US is gone.

Comment Re:Wait until those lamers find out... (Score 1) 385

The panels collect dust, pollen, bird crap, snow, younameit, and either someone has to go there physically and spend time cleaning them up or you have to have some sort of a robotic system for that.

Isn't one of the main problems we're facing right now that we're running out of jobs that are both low-skill yet necessary enough to keep our economy going to be worth paying a decent wage for?

Comment Re:Wait until those lamers find out... (Score 2) 385

I think it would be wiser to spend the big money on improving solar panel and battery tech.

If you're serious about solar, you don't necessarily need better tech, you just need enough investment money to build massive solar-thermal plants in the desert. These produce energy through heat-driven turbines, thus they don't require solar panels, can be as efficient as material science lets them (the hot end is the surface of the Sun, so theoretical efficiency is a bit over 94%), and can store energy in the form of molten salt (or stone, or steel, if you want to be extreme), allowing them to produce electricity all night long.

It's a weird paradox: renewables suffer from their reputation of being small-scale, down to people installing solar panels in their rooftops, when in reality most of their problems could be easily solved through massive-scale planning (because then you can rely on the law of averages to overcome individual variance). We could cut our economies free from the limits of fossils, we just lack the will.

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