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Comment Re:More feminist FUD (Score 1) 239

Oh no, I really enjoyed the Halo series (stopped playing after Reach, so I can't say after that), don't get me wrong. I didn't really object to anything about lady characterization, Cortana was pretty cool. But the linear gameplay, lack of story-altering choices and focus on your skill at shooting baddies are a turnoff to a lot of ladies, especially those who don't have experience with the shooter genre. It rewards a skill-set that is mainly possessed by the "core" gamer crowd (men below 25 or so), and if you don't have that skill-set there's not a whole lot to enjoy about the game.

I did really appreciate the option to play as a lady Spartan in multiplayer (not in the first, but starting with Halo 2?), that was pretty cool.

Comment Re:More feminist FUD (Score 5, Insightful) 239

I really hate things that are made to "appeal to women". There's no reason a screwdriver needs a pink handle, and there's no reason why women can't play and enjoy the same games that man do. When you start a game of Skyrim it doesn't ask "do you have a penis?" and boot out of the game if you answer no.

Skyrim's actually really popular with women. Partly because it's so open-ended and exploratory, and is presented more as an adventure and less of a proving grounds ("I'm so hardcore I killed all the halo aliens on the level in 4 minutes"). You're free to play the way you want to play, and your decisions are meaningful.

Even just being able to play as a lady character makes a big difference, rather than having to play as Generic Grizzled White Dude #58.

So yeah, building games that appeal to women isn't hard to do - but it does require that you build games that don't cater exclusively to the "hardcore gamer" audience.

Comment Re: Timeframe? (Score 4, Interesting) 135

Yep, the antibiotic regimen they put you on is no joke, either. It wipes out all your intestinal flora, leaving you super vulnerable to recolonization (and those spores are real fucking hard to eliminate).

My grandmother had a fecal transplant and she cleared up in days, after literal months of illness.

Source: I used to be closely involved with an MD whose primary focus was this bug. Well, the grandma part was sourced from my mom.

Comment Re:Where is this interview itself? (Score 1) 338

Oh definitely, there are lots of clever approaches you can take, and I'm certainly not smart enough to think of them all. Writing high-performance HSA code takes a lot of performance testing and tuning, and writing your code in the most "obvious" way (coming from a single-threaded CPU background) will generally result in relatively abysmal performance.

The most important thing when writing high-performance code is to know your architecture, especially all the limitations. Console games are great for that, because they target one specific chip, so you can really optimize the hell out of it. :)

Comment Re:It's not feminism at this point. (Score 1) 724

Real trans people exist that don't fit into the truscum narrative. And hey, I personally know binary-identified trans people that identified as genderqueer for a time. All that shitting on non-binary folk does is discourage people from exploring and finding their gender.

"people who claim to be transracial transpandas that identify as on every tuesday divisible by a prime number in base 7 and use social justice as an excuse to cover for their own bigotry" are not even close to real.

I can't even tell if you understand this point.

Comment Re:Where is this interview itself? (Score 2) 338

Yep, this is totally right. The main thing keeping an algorithm from running well on GCN cores is being branch-heavy. While I haven't kept up-to-date on the terminology, only one instruction at a time can be executing across a set of inputs.

The following code is pretty understandable and quick on a CPU. But on a GPU, performance suffers.
      if (unitOnFire){
      } else {
So, if you have 128 baddies, and 2 are on fire, first the GCN will evaluate the if (with no branch prediction, afaik), then execute flailAround() for the 2 that's on fire. Only then will it execute the 126 fightRoutines (simultaneously).

Interestingly, ternary expressions, if possible to use, can frequently be optimized so that they do not incur this large performance penalty*. Something like the following:
        health_change = (unitOnFire) ? -100 : 0;
        unitHealth += health_change;
So yeah, coding for SIMD stuff is tricky to optimize.

* Some compilers will also optimize simple/equivalent if statements so that they run quickly, but I have no idea if that's the case for the PS4 APU.

Comment Re:I have a i5 4690k (Score 2) 338

Newegg has your processor at $240 - the entire PS4, including controller & game is only $400. I'd be curious to know what you shelled out for the full computer (please include input devices).

You've always been able to buy more powerful machines than the consoles. Just not at console prices.

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