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Submission + - Genetic Data Analysis Tools Reveal How US Pop Music Evolved

KentuckyFC writes: The history of pop music is rich in anecdotes, folklore and controversy. But despite the keen interest, there is little in the form of hard evidence to back up most claims about the evolution of music. Now a group of researchers have used data analysis tools developed for genomic number crunching to study the evolution of US pop music. The team studied 30-second segments of more than 17,000 songs that appeared on the US Billboard Hot 100 between 1960 and 2010. Their tools categorised the songs according to harmonic features such as chord changes as well as the quality of timbre such as whether guitar-based, piano-based orchestra-based and so on. They then used a standard algorithm for discovering clusters within networks of data to group the songs into 13 different types, which turned out to correspond with well known genres such as rap, rock, country and so on. Finally, they plotted the change in popularity of these musical types over time. The results show a clear decline in the popularity of jazz and blues since 1960. During the same period, rock-related music has ebbed and flowed in popularity. By contrast, was rare before 1980 before becoming the dominant musical style for 30 years until declining in the late 2000s. The work answers several important question about the evolution of pop music, such as whether music industry practises have led to a decline in the cultural variety of new music and whether British bands such as The Beatles and The Rolling Stones triggered the 1964 American music revolution [spoiler: no in both cases].

Submission + - VLC Gets First Major Cross-Platform Release

An anonymous reader writes: VideoLAN today launched what is arguably the biggest release of VLC to date: an update for the desktop coordinated with new versions across all major mobile platforms. Theworld's most used media player just got massive a cross-platform push. The company told VentureBeat that the releases are the result of more than a year of volunteer work on the VLC engine and the libVLC library. As a result, VLC has gained numerous new features, has seen more than 1,000 bugs fixed, and has significantly increased its scope of supported formats.

Submission + - Can the guitar games market be resurrected?

donniebaseball23 writes: Thanks to a glut of titles, hardware and precious little innovation, the Guitar Hero and Rock Band craze all but died out by 2010. Now, however, strong rumors are swirling that one if not both franchises will be making a return on the new consoles. But will players care? And will the market once again support these games? Charles Huang, co-creator of Guitar Hero, weighed in, outlining some of the challenges. "First, the music genre attracts a more casual and female audience versus other genres. But the casual gamer has moved from console to mobile," he warned. "Second, the high price point of a big peripheral bundle might be challenging. Casual gamers have a lot of free-to-play options." That said, there could be room for a much smaller guitar games market now, analyst Michael Pachter noted: "It was a $2 billion market in 2008, so probably a $200 million market now. The games are old enough that they might be ready for a re-fresh, and I would imagine there is room for both to succeed if they don't oversaturate the way they did last time."

Submission + - Ultra-low power radio transceiver enables truly wireless earbuds (

irl_4795 writes: At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, taking place March 2nd-5th, NXP Semiconductors (NASDAQ: NXPI) will demonstrate Near Field Magnetic Induction (NFMI) technology in a truly wireless earbud including wireless audio streaming from ear to ear, using its new NxH2280 NFMI based radio transceiver.

Comment Re:Well, Dice finally did it (Score 3, Interesting) 85

I'm not on the Engineering team, and I don't make the Product decisions, so I'm not going to be of much help with your question. Yeah, the bugs probably should have been squashed before releasing -- but the Slashdot codebase is a monster, and there are a lot of edges cases among users, so I think the release is done under the "perfect is the enemy of good" philosophy. Hopefully we can get the big ones taken care of in short order.

Comment Just a few layout tweaks (Score 1) 1

Yeah, we updated the header and removed the left-hand navigation links, which hardly anybody used. The "Post" button is still there at the top left of the comments section, but it's really hard to see unless you hover over it. Apologies for that! We're working on getting that fixed, along with a few other issues.

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