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Comment Re:Are subtitles available... (Score 1) 71

Indeed, as I have cause to mention in the commentary track. :) AnimEigo used the alternate English rendering "Rupan."

(That alternate English rendering makes it a little more understandable why there's an album of romantic Lupin III music called "Isn't it Lupintic". In Japanese, the pronunciation of "Lupintic" is similar enough to "Romantic" to make it work as a pun.)

After a few years, when more of the Arsène Lupin works had entered the public domain, the renaming wasn't seen as necessary and subsequent releases went back to his original name.

Comment Re:Are subtitles available... (Score 3, Informative) 71

It might make a little more sense distilled into this article, which I wrote for another blog afterward to discuss the matter.

Effectively, the original Maurice Leblanc Arsène Lupin stories borrowed Sherlock Holmes, much to Conan Doyle's annoyance. Subsequently, manga writer Monkey Punch based Lupin III on the Leblanc stories without permission, much to the Leblanc estate's later annoyance. (He was able to get away with it because Japan didn't honor trade copyrights at the time, and the Leblanc estate didn't even find out until years later.) Castle of Cagliostro drew on the Leblanc stories and the Lupin III franchise, and a number of other works, and inspired countless other works that borrowed from it in return.

And it never would have happened if the rights holders had been able to shut Leblanc and Monkey Punch down.

Submission + - Debian GNU/Linux 9 "Stretch" Officially Released

prisoninmate writes: As of a few minutes ago, Debian Stretch or Debian 9 has been declared stable and ready for deployment in production environments. It's one of the most anticipated GNU/Linux distributions of 2017, on which numerous upcoming Linux distros will be rebased in the months to come. Debian GNU/Linux 9 "Stretch" is a major release that includes better support for modern hardware components and architectures, up-to-date core components and applications, as well as dozens of other new features, stability and security improvements, and countless bug fixes. Debian 9 is dedicated to the project's founder Ian Murdock, who passed away on 28 December 2015. Check out the full release notes for more details.

Submission + - Stephen Furst dead at 63 (tmz.com)

schwit1 writes: Stephen Furst — actor and filmmaker known for playing Flounder in 'Animal House' — has died due to complications from diabetes.

Along with playing Kent 'Flounder' Dorfman in the 1978 comedy classic, he also had starring roles on "Babylon 5" and "St. Elsewhere." He directed a few episodes of 'Babylon 5' as well.

Submission + - Revised Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro fan commentary now available

Robotech_Master writes: I have just finished an extensive rewrite and rerecording of my classic Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro commentary track, with assistance in vetting it by Miyazaki expert Reed Nelson (who recorded the commentary track on Discotek's more recent release of the film), and I'm now happy to be able to offer this much more accurate, much higher quality downloadable commentary track for general listening. Anyone even slightly interested in Lupin III, Hayao Miyazaki, or the classic literary works of Maurice Leblanc that inspired them should enjoy listening to this. Among other things, it offers proof that excessive copyright really harms creativity by restricting the uses people are able to make of prior art--by showing what can happen when people get away with ignoring copyright and creating anyway. Not only were Lupin III and Cagliostro effectively inspired as "fanfic" of characters and works that had come before, many of those characters and works were effectively fanfic themselves--and Cagliostro in turn inspired parts of a number of other works that came afterward, including a couple by Disney.

Comment Re:Still don't get why people liked this show (Score 1) 84

I never was a huge fan of it, myself. When the episodes were good, it was pretty awesome. But most of them just seemed kind of boring.

Nonetheless, a lot of my friends were into it. And in kind of a meta sense, it's a lot more fun to watch this kind of show together with other people.

Comment Re:MST3K with production values is weird. (Score 1) 84

I don't get the sense that there's any animosity between them. In fact, Rifftrax has done a lot to help boost the new season of the show, including giving away Rifftrax videos to backers of the Kickstarter, and of course hosting a MST3K reunion show gathering together as many of the alumni who are still interested in doing riffs as they could get their hands on. I imagine that Rifftrax is enough of a full time job that they don't really have time to spare for the other stuff.

I've also noticed that Rifftraxers Bill Corbett and Mary Jo Pehl are both on writing staff for some of the episodes, too.

Submission + - Barnes & Noble to release a $50 Android tablet for Black Friday

Robotech_Master writes: Barnes & Noble has decided to imitate Amazon yet again, as it comes out with a $50 Android tablet just in time for the holidays. The specs are similar to slightly better than the $50 Fire, but the kicker is this tablet will ship with plain-vanilla Marshmallow Android 6.0 and the Google Play utilities--unlike the Fire, which limits its users to only those apps Amazon deems suitable to offer. Might this be enough to rescue the ailing Nook brand?

Comment Re:Pokemon Go to rake in nearly $13 Billion (Score 1) 79

Actually, you can earn multiples of 10 pokecoins per day. Every 21 hours, you can get 10 coins for every gym you control at the end of the 21-hour countdown timer. I've never managed to have more than 2 or 3 at a time when that happened, but I expect when I get some more powerful critters I'll be able to do better.

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