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Comment Re:Mexico? (Score 2, Funny) 249

So this is for people to view and observe the border and report any activity right....well I guess this plan is already in the toilet now that people IN MEXICO can view the cameras and see exactly where they are pointed.

Ok yes, we see you. We will mark that crossing off our list of possibilities. Ok, a little further...there I can see you...keep I can't, mark that with a flag or something.

Well played Border Control, well played.

I heard one simple idea that probably would solve the illegal border crossing problem: landmines. Line our side of the border with antipersonnel landmines, everywhere except the legitimate entrances/checkpoints. Post highly visible signs in English and Spanish, and also with graphics in case the person is illiterate, warning that it is a minefield. The purpose of this is to establish a deterrent, not to actually hurt anyone (though if that happens, they can't say they weren't warned). Maybe those signs can include some contact information at the bottom, useful for obtaining information on how to go through the process of coming here legally.

Comment Re:No antibiotics for me (Score 1) 260

The reason why staph infections can be worse now then in the past is two fold. The first is because hospitals are pushed to be super-clean environments. This first part allows very hardy bacteria to thrive where they normally wouldn't. The second is when antibiotics are given, a lot of people don't take them to the full duration. This second part causes a lot of issues as people are building on top of the chain.

As well the prevelence of anti-bacterial hand washes/wipes/dish soaps/etc are highly damaging to a safe environment. If you goto a hospital or doctors office you won't find antibacterial washes, you'll find microbicide. Let me say this first, thanks a lot flapping heads(I mean sales guys) you're fuckin' us all.

Oh allergies? Yeah. Get yourself outside and eat some dirt. It does a body good.

Comment Re:Long Distance Rail (Score 1) 809

The train from Wuhan to Guangzhou in China takes 3 hours to cover 1068km (that's scheduled service not a test run). When you want a point to point high speed train it isn't hard to build one. (It replaced a pre-existing line that took 10.5 hours to complete the same route).

Trains can be fast and competitive if you build them right. Most system in the world are a hodgepodge of different systems that have evolved from different systems and standards over the years. As such the top speeds are impressive, but the average speeds suck royally (the route you indicated above Dusseldorf to Vienna is almost completely un-upgraded with a top speed of about 75km\h for most of the route). The only countries with unified, completely upgraded systems to support higher speeds are France and Japan. Everyone else is playing catch up.

Hardware Hacking

MacBook Mod Gives Base Station Chassis New Purpose 129

odysseus31173 writes "A little over a year ago, I began developing for the iPhone and needed a working mac (not a Hackintosh), so I decided to purchase a MacBook logic board to save on cost. I modded a Linksys case to accept the logic board (along with all of the other hardware) and made it function again. The Mac currently runs Leopard and has a working iSight and mic along with fully functional WiFi and bluetooth. The RAM is the standard 1 gig, but the hard drive has been upgraded to 160 gigs. The iSight/mic holes in the front panel are hard to see and this could be used as a nanny cam of sorts."
The Military

Laser Weapon Shoots Down Airplanes In Test 627

airshowfan writes "Boeing's directed-energy weapons (a.k.a. frickin' laser beams) have been getting some attention lately. The Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) is a C-130 that famously burned a hole through a car's hood, and the YAL-1 AirBorne Laser is a 747 that shoots a laser from its nose that is powerful enough to bring down an ICBM. But even cooler is the Mobile Active Targeting Resource for Integrated eXperiments (MATRIX), a laser that is mounted on a truck (which probably costs less than a 747, but who knows) and that can shoot down small aircraft, as shown in the picture on this article. (The Laser Avenger supposedly also has this capability). We live in the future!"

Bad Driving May Have Genetic Basis 449

Serenissima writes "Bad drivers may in part have their genes to blame, suggests a new study by UC Irvine neuroscientists. People with a particular gene variant performed more than 20 percent worse on a driving test than people without it — and a follow-up test a few days later yielded similar results. About 30 percent of Americans have the variant. 'These people make more errors from the get-go, and they forget more of what they learned after time away,' said Dr. Steven Cramer, neurology associate professor and senior author of the study published recently in the journal Cerebral Cortex."

Comment Virtualization (Score 1) 73

How well does it work under virtualization? I've tried it in the past with various versions of virtual box and didn't have a lot of success. I know part of it was due to vbox not being complete enough but that was because DragonFly was using some older not well supported "chips".

Hardware Hacking

Stop-Motion Modbook Upgrade Video 14

Brian Northway writes "This funny, stop-motion, photo-animated video shows the process of converting an Apple MacBook to an Axiotron Modbook tablet, in one minute and fifty-nine seconds — viewable in standard quality or high-definition (720p), for exceptional detail. It's the latest installment a series of light-speed technical videos that I've created, wihich include the explorational disassembly of a PSP-3000, a unibody MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air, an iPhone, and many other Apple devices."

Comment Re:Remember 1980 (Score 1) 297

There is one episode that is worth something. It was an episode where Starbuck is stranded on a desolate planet with a Cylon. It is a total rip off of Enemy Mine but it is worth watching. Note that this is Starbuck's only appearance in the new series. Most of the original cast did not appear in the second series.


Successful Moonlighting For Geeks? 448

Lawksamussy writes "Having just bought a really old house that's on the verge of falling down, I'm now trying to find a way to pay to fix it up. I have a great job in software development that pays the bills, but I'm looking to earn some extra cash in my spare time. Whatever I end up doing has to be reasonably lucrative (or at least have the potential to be so), not require any specific time commitment, and be doable equally well from home or from a hotel room. I'm also keen that it should be sufficiently different to my day job to keep my interest up, so the most obvious things like bidding for programming projects on, or fixing up neighbors' PCs, aren't really on. Above all, it should appeal to my inner geek, otherwise my low boredom threshold will doom it to failure before I even start! So, I wonder if any of my fellow Slashdotters run little part-time ventures that they find more of an inspiration than a chore... and if they are willing to share what they do and perhaps even how much money they make doing it?"

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