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Comment Re:Tiger nuts? Not meat? (Score 1) 318

The paleo movement is frustrating for anthropologists. Humans ate pretty much whatever they could get their grubby little hands on: meat, nuts, edible leaves, roots, fruit, etc. We did eat quite a bit of plants, though. Mostly because they didn't run away.

Vegans who insist we're herbivores are equally frustrating, however.

I'm curious: in what way has the paleo movement frustrated anthropologists? Care to enlighten me.

Comment Re:And so begins the FUD (Score 1) 573

our elites have failed us and it's only a matter of time before history repeats and the streets run with blood.

You have a very... limited understanding of history if you think that the elites "failing" the commoners tends to result in their blood being spilled.

A much more common pattern is that the commoners get out of line and their blood ends up running in the streets, and then order is restored.

I'm thinking elections are a lot more likely to reform government agencies than riots.

You've made an assumption about who's blood I was referring to. You've also inferred here that I'm presuming that civil unrest will necessarily lead to change.

So that there is no room for misunderstanding I will rephrase:

Those of us who have had faith enough in "the system" to be self correcting are in a majority but none the less our cohort is shrinking.

I am not suggesting that there will be a rapid change in the numbers of the politically active, I am suggesting that a significant number of those who have remained passive will not do so for very much longer and also that those who are already politically engaged will become disenfranchised with the notion of slow, progressive change from within the system and will become radicalised to varying degrees.

Note also I am not advocating a more radicalised approach either but am becoming more resigned to a significant change in the size of the outlying region of the political bell curve which I believe will result in a positive feedback loop where those in power and the middle that still support the system will double down against those who have given up on the idea of being able to change the system from within.

In actual fact I do agree that elections are better than riots but there comes a point where a large enough minority disagrees with this and that's where things go awfully wrong and simply blaming the rioters in isolation does nothing to remedy the problem.

Comment Re: freedom (Score 2) 573

Soldiers fight for our freedom? As if fighting in some third-world crap hole has anything to do with our freedom here in the United States. I think Snowden is a true hero. He didn't give his life for oil or empire, he gave his life for something that intimately has to do with *our* freedom.

WTF? Who said anything about soldiers.... Please re-read what I wrote

Comment And so begins the FUD (Score 1) 573

Snowden may be a first class asshole for all I know but that's irrelevant... our elites have failed us and it's only a matter of time before history repeats and the streets run with blood.

All Snowden has done is shown precisely how naked the Emperor is. Squabbling over minutiae is just window dressing from this point onwards.

Comment Mark V Shaney was decades ago (Score 1) 184

For crying out loud don't they teach kids any history these days?


My personal favourite:

I would like to be present everywhere

Grace is the âoeupdateâ program, which simply issues a sync system call.

Iâ(TM)ve received two pieces of email that imply that somebody recently posted the entire world with a flood, to remove all rational obstacles to believing something revealed by God.

I have to pass a tuple containing the existing Unix technology. To do an outbound call you should be able to say that I believe that God wants him to set up an alternative mailbox for these files.

If this is exactly the thrust of Larry McVoyâ(TM)s paper on âoeExtent Like Performance on a sysV f. s.â, he cannot have salvation, except in the production of the forgiveness of sins.

I would like to be present everywhere.

This is supported by Jesusâ(TM)s use of low cost eight bit micros and small amounts of RAM. When you find salvation.

For the sinner deserves not life but death, according to the disk devices. For example, start with Plan 9, which is free of sin, the case is different from His perspective.

The Roman Church has always been a part of a file system semantics.

Grab the cat torture shit. Lets be real familiar with these braindead but safe solutions. We have to look further into this possible interpretation.

Another trick to see how our inability to discern justice as an actual inconsistency in FORTRAN 77 by defining DO loops to work in the hope of generating few more responses.

Female clergy are widely but not quite.

I have modified the âoestandardâ Berkley ftpd to allow for various types of failures in Scripture.

Thatâ(TM)s not very important, because the deception of one being good entails being loving, merciful, just, and many other names; one per symbolic link.

Those who believe that something could be saved except the atoning sacrifice of Isaac, on the testimony of countless scientists who also most oppose the teachings of the statements that I call UNIX.

ScienceFiction more or less predicts future pornography and homosexuality in the sovereignty of God.

Wouldnâ(TM)t that mean that the Father too may live anew dev log to ftp after login?

Probably first choice of block size on all of their salvation.

If God truly loves humankind then why does He create sinners? If human is His creation, then who is the ultimate in all shells?

I know at one point Jesus said âoeno one may come to grips with the cpio header blown awayâ.

It speaks of the original ftpd.

I am the resident Unix and open systems bigot so much like the resurrection of Jesus only.

Geoff modified relaynews to write an essay on prayer.

dvips for DVI files should run on the testimony of countless scientists who also most oppose the teachings of the Catholic Church through no fault of his posting, in which the idea that it passes the diagnostics.

And I get real turned on by a good English translation of the Bible; because there is sufficient response I would want to change the nature of the points of Catholic theology would immediately have to be God and satan who is a free variable :â")

Christian theology is not seek optimization, which the means pertain, as was said above

Good. I am trying to keep binary compatibility with the possible exception of Sun Microsystems. Yet, because Sun is apparently seen as the closest Protestant Church to Catholicism.

That observation doesnâ(TM)t get one anywhere. One might as well as the law as can be meritorious of life everlasting, but so as to heal the man page; if not, you can always use parens and braces.

On a SVR4, I am interested in building a list of names and addresses to be in the name of Martin Luther, who led the religious reformation of the HP Laserjet

â¦with a God who, Paul believes, is constantly concerned with the current FFS implementation.

Nevertheless, I vote no because I believe we CAN build robust, reliable, and secure systems with the Lord.

Mark V. Shaney

Submission + - Mircosoft certifications for high school credits in Queensland Australia (

kanad writes: High school students in Queensland, Australia would be able to do Microsoft certifications online and get credits . The exam fees will be free for students and courses include Microsoft's products like Sharepoint and SQL Server. Ostensibly this is for making kids ready for workforce but Australian IT entrepreneur Matt Barrie CEO of has criticised it for vendor lock-in and Microsoft's influence in the educational system.

Submission + - Green Light Given To Galileo, The EU Alternative To America's GPS

An anonymous reader writes: Plans to start up the EU’s first global satellite navigation system (GNSS) built under civilian control, entirely independent of other navigation systems and yet interoperable with them, were approved by MEPs on Wednesday. Both parts of this global system — Galileo and EGNOS — will offer citizens a European alternative to America’s GPS or Russia’s Glonass signals. The Galileo system could be used in areas such as road safety, fee collection, traffic and parking management, fleet management, emergency call, goods tracking and tracing, online booking, safety of shipping, digital tachographs, animal transport, agricultural planning and environmental protection to drive growth and make citizens' lives easier.

Submission + - Norway's Army Battles Global Warming By Going Vegetarian - Vikings Appalled (

cold fjord writes: It looks like no more spam, spam, spam for Norway's warriors... at least on Mondays. The Daily Caller reports, "Norway’s military is taking drastic steps to ramp up its war against global warming. The Scandinavian country announced its soldiers would be put on a vegetarian diet once a week to reduce the military’s carbon footprint. “Meatless Monday’s” has already been introduced at one of Norway’s main military bases and will soon be rolled out to others, including overseas bases. It is estimated that the new vegetarian diet will cut meat consumption by 150 tons per year. “It’s a step to protect our climate,” military spokesman Eystein Kvarving told AFP. “The idea is to serve food that’s respectful of the environment.” ... The United Nations says that livestock farming is responsible for 18 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Cutting meat consumption, environmentalists argue, would help stem global warming and improve the environment." — The Manchester Journal reports, "The meatless Monday campaign launched in 2003 as a global non-profit initiative in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University to promote personal and environmental health by reducing meat consumption. "

Submission + - HIV Tracking Technology Could Pinpoint Who's Infecting Who (

Daniel_Stuckey writes: No man is an island, but evolutionarily, each person functions like one for the HIV virus. That's according to Thomas Leitner, a researcher working on a project aimed at creating technology for tracking HIV through a population. The technology, which is being studied at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, may allow people to identify who infected them with the virus, a development that could have major implications in criminal proceedings. “If you’re familiar with Darwin’s finches, you have a population of birds on one island and they keep moving and evolving as they spread to other islands so that each population is a little different,” Leitner said. “With HIV, it’s the same. Every person infected with HIV has a slightly different form the the virus. It’s the ultimate chameleon because it evolves this way.”

Submission + - U.K. changed law to allow NSA to spy on Brits (

Taco Cowboy writes: USA and UK have have a more than 70-years relationship in sharing and exchanging secret information

But there was a rule preventing USA from spying on the British citizens.

But that was changed in 2007 !

In 2007, the US and UK struck a deal allowing NSA to spy on Brits, even if they are not suspected of any wrongdoing.

To do that, England actually changed its rules.

In 2007, the rules were changed to allow the NSA to analyse and retain any British citizens' mobile phone and fax numbers, emails and IP addresses swept up by its dragnet. Previously, this data had been stripped out of NSA databases – "minimized", in intelligence agency parlance – under rules agreed between the two countries.

A separate draft memo, marked top-secret and dated from 2005, reveals a proposed NSA procedure for spying on the citizens of the UK and other Five-Eyes nations, even where the partner government has explicitly denied the US permission to do so. The memo makes clear that partner countries must not be informed about this surveillance, or even the procedure itself.

A spokeswoman for the NSA declined to answer questions from the Guardian on whether the draft directive had been implemented and, if so, when.

The NSA and the White House also refused to comment on the agency's 2007 agreement with the UK to store and analyze data on British citizens.

Submission + - Graphine Condom Revolution (

kodiaktau writes: University of Manchester scientists have been working on a new composite of latex and graphine to make condoms. Scientists believe that the single atom thick graphine will make the condoms stronger and increase sensation. Dr Aravind Vijayaraghavan a materials scientist on the program says: "This will be achieved by combining the strength of graphene with the elasticity of latex to produce a new material which can be thinner, stronger, more stretchy, safer and, perhaps most importantly, more pleasurable."

The ultimate goal of the project is to increase use and help reduce sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy. Teens everywhere rejoice that condoms won't wear out as fast in their wallets.

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