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Comment Re:Most alfalfa growers are welfare queens. (Score 1) 545

Most farmers who grow alfalfa are those who got water at throw away prices back in 1920s/1930s when the Hoover dam was being built, when they pumped the Colorado river over the Sierra Neveda to irrigate the water starved central valley. ...

Not that I'm completely disagreeing with you but you do realize you are arguing against government compensation for it's wrong doing. Additionally, by implication, you are right about the central valley using more water than it would have normally gotten and the subsidies are much to blame for that. Those subsidies also help produce a lot of vegetables that would not otherwise grow in that region.

Be consistent ;)

Comment Re:Animals only borrow water. (Score 2) 545

That's all very interesting, except that all animals only borrow water - they give it back in the form of water vapor when they breathe, sweat (for some) and pee.

Exactly, water is a renewable resource and extremely recyclable. It's not like the water used to produce any food is all lost to that food. What the food item doesn't retain is passed on to something else.

Comment Re:Alfalfa (Score 5, Insightful) 545

Half wrong. Beef cattle are fed Alfalfa, see

Also wrong from TFA "exporting some 100 billion gallons of water a year" in Alfalfa. Alfalfa is typically dried/cured before use and it doesn't suck up every drop of water put on it. Just like there aren't 5 Gal of water in a head of broccoli. Most of that water goes back into the air and falls as show/rain in the rockies.

Comment Re:Are we not advanced enough to use UTC Time? (Score 3, Insightful) 310

This is such a stupid Idea! Assume is't 12:00 UTC, you work in Moscow but need to contact someone in Chicago. Are the people in Chicago up and at work or should I wait a while? Now assume it's 4:00PM in Moscow, is anyone at work in Chicago? I guess I could be wrong but I think the mental calculation is easier.

Comment Become 21st Century Hardware store? (Score 1) 423

They should become the 21st century hardware DIY shop where I can walk in and get a 3D printer, feed stock, a couple of resistors, an Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Also sell Ham radios or just scanners and such things. All the niche market stuff tech DIY people want. Put it all in once place.

As it is now in our tiny city I can't get any electronic components of any kind on the weekend without going to The Shack. Fry's is 70+ miles away and our local "real" electronics shop is only open 8-5 weekdays.

I suspect the market just isn't there to cater to the couple of dozen of us in town that would benefit from the kind of shop I'd like to see. The local electronics component shop really only sells to businesses, they tried to open 8-12 Saturdays but not enough people came in to pay the light bill much less the tiny hourly rate they pay the counter people. I love the options online but it's just not convenient.

Comment Re:The home of 1984? Really? (Score 1) 137

How is it that the home country of the author of 1984 just doesn't get it?

Plenty of us get it. Please remember that at no point did the general population of the UK ask for, support or condone this kind of behaviour, nor most of the other dubious things we've been hearing about lately that have supposedly been done in our name or for our protection.

Unfortunately most of you/us did vote for the "political class", unless you just didn't vote and that's worse. Way too many people think their large political party of choice is going to "give them their fair share", or will make things "more equal" for this or that class. The "political class" of your major party will always make it "more equal" for the pigs, so stop perpetuating the party that want's to make things "more fair".

Comment Re: Uh? (Score 1, Flamebait) 734

Solar in the US will typically pay for itself in 5 years regardless of system size,...

In my 1000 square foot house I spend $1000 a year on electricity. How exactly would I pay for $15K - $20K worth of solar cells in 5 years? I spend about $620 a year on natural gas to heat and cook. I guess I could go all electric, which would cost me another $5 in appliances. At that point I might break even in 15 years, about the time I would need to replace the solar cells. By then they should be cheeper and more efficient. So yea by about 2030 solar would probably take care of my needs. Till then I'm holding out with my dead dino (plankton) power.

Comment Re:Grammar? (Score 5, Funny) 136

Can't the editors write a headline that meets the basic rules of grammar? How about "In the game of Pentago the first player can always win", or "Pentago is strongly solved".

No cause with out those grammar mistakes their would be 30 pricent fuer com-mints on /.

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