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Comment Re:Sweet upside down world you live in (Score 1) 44

You don't believe there's such a thing as sin. Therefore, your comment does not connect to the discussion. Therefore, you are guilty of what you accuse snitty of doing.

Therefore, you're a HYPOCRITE. And as we all know, that's the worst thing a liberal can be.

Please report to your nearest FEMA re-education camp, you hateful bigot.

Comment Re:You live in a thouroghly corrupted society, (Score 1) 44

Now, back to sleep with you...
You gotta buy me dinner first. Just what kind of guy do you think I am? *slap*

It's been 3 minutes since you last successfully posted a comment

Oh, OK. I'll elaborate.

While I'm not a cheap date, damn_registrars, on the other hand, is a total whore. He'll sleep with you for nothing. In fact, his OCD will prevent him from doing anything else but be your bottom.

Comment Re:You live in a thouroghly corrupted society, (Score 1) 44

Fish do not see water

Of course they see water. Have you ever caught a fish? Ever dropped it when taking it off the hook? Fish will flop for all their worth trying to get back into the water, which they can see.

I hate it when people write in plateaus like this. It's just a lame trick to make the writer sound clever to disguise the fact that the writer doesn't know what they're talking about.
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