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Comment Re:I know! (Score 1) 545

[......] they fail to achieve the other 10% which is the most important part!

It's the most imprtant part for Microsoft, too - it's their marketing strategy. That other 10% keeps the suckers coming back for more - always hoping for the missing 10% and never getting it.

Comment Re:Fallacy (Score 1) 937

Here's a quote, that I believe to be reasonably accurate, from Wikipedia: "Among the members of the National Academy of Sciences, 7% believed in God, 72.2% did not, and 20.8% were agnostic or had doubts" I don't really need to elaborate any more on that one, do I?

Yes, you do. The point you're trying to make is not clear. You seem to be offering this as evidence that "atheists flock to science" - but it's not evidence of that at all. It says nothing about atheists. However, it may say something about scientists. It may be evidence that scientists "flock" to atheism - but that's a totally different thing altogether, and has nothing to do with atheists flocking to science.

Comment Re:Fallacy (Score 1) 937

It has nothing to do with atheism, but atheists flock to it because it gives them the proof and rationality they crave.

Was that your attempt to illustrate what a straw man is?

I've never noticed atheists having any more interest in science than christians. Atheists, however, tend to question things - and that's what science is all about, therefore some atheists may tend to have an affinity with science for that reason.

Comment Lesson (Score 0) 91

The lesson from the recent bout of frantic backpedaling on Neanderthals is not to take the slightest bit of notice of the extrapolations of archaeologists. The raw data of their findings is interesting, but it's always open to interpretation. However, archaeology as a science seem to be largely incapable of objective interpretation. Maybe it's time they stuck to digging things up and stopped trying to interpret what they find. That interpretation really requires quite a different discipline.

Comment Re:New for Nerds? (Score 4, Informative) 132

News Ltd owns the only national daily paper, as well as the only daily paper in four state capitals, one territory capital, and a number of large regional centres - of the capitals, only Melbourne, Sydney, and Canberra have competing daily papers. Admittedly, that covers nearly half the population - but that leaves a massive proportion of Australia dominated by Murdoch.

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