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Comment Re:Same rules as any archiving: (Score 1) 282

Honestly, we won't support 2.2 or earlier any more. 2.3 was released in 2005. There comes a point when you have to move on.

2.3 is still supported for security issues, but it's not going to see much more development.

2.4 is supported just fine, and has been out since 2010. I really object to the characterisation of the mailing list and the IRC channel, since I'm on both and I try pretty hard to deal with any problems, though if you're on 2.2 or 2.3 I will often say "that's fixed in 2.4, and is not really fixable in earlier versions due to massive architectural changes which were required to make the behaviour consistent in the first place".

Poor documentation is a problem, and using berkeley DB was a really stupid idea. The upgrading problems are always due to berkeley version incompatibility. It sucks so bad that transitioning everything away from berkeley is an important goal for 2.5.

Plenty of people still use it, though Dovecot is kinda eating our lunch.

Comment Temporary transfers too (Score 3, Insightful) 224

Well, this is going to be an extra-large shit for us, where me spending 2 years in Norway at head office was significantly easier than bringing people over here for 6 months at a time for skills exchange. HR tells me that Australia is the hardest country in the world they've tried to give people "bridge the world" temporary transfers to. Insular much?

Comment definitely 16x10, and 2 screens is great (Score 2) 375

I'm really happy with my two Samsung SA450s. I paid under AU$300 each for them, and they rotate, so it's a pair of 1920x1200 screens, one sideways for code. With a decent graphics card (I splurged and got one that costs about the same as one of the monitors so I could have two separate DVI links) it's a nice programming rig. The sideways one gets over 100 lines of code on screen at a readable resolution.

Comment Re:Are we all supposed to know what Airbnb is? (Score 1) 141

You know what, I've never used it. I've never even visited their site - but I've heard of airbnb.

It's kind of the best known service in its "class".

Your question would be similar to "Are we all supposed to know what Netflix is?". In theory you may have not heard of it if you've been under a rock for the last N years (I've never used Netflix either).

But hey - they've been mentioned on slashdot before... so yeah, I guess you are expected to have heard of them. I certainly remember reading http://tech.slashdot.org/story/11/07/31/0013236/sfpd-arrests-suspect-in-airbnb-rental-trashing when it happened.

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