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Comment What about the details? (Score 1) 391

I watched his Aurora demo, and much like the "Wolfram Language" that was brought up the other day, it didn't seem to be working at the same level as I do.

In the Aurora demo he made a To-Do list with his fake little HTML transform. That was fine, his list worked. But he didn't show changing the what the check-mark looked like. He didn't show us out to make it green. He didn't show us how to make the page behind it a different color, or the font-size marginally larger.

Sure, the concept of a To-Do list can be done in a few words of a high-level language...but that a program does not make. There is an infinitesimal number of other decisions/other command that must be defined and described. In the end, his cute little program would have to be just as long and complex as any JS or PHP script that did the same thing.

Perhaps he's just selling the 'Live Data' or the point-and-click editor, but as a programmer, (and him being a programmer) I find it disingenuous for him to present that as a replacement for the kind of detail and control that's necessary to actually accomplish the requirements of a customer.

Comment An IDE is often not available. (Score 1) 627

My biggest complaint about IDE's and why I don't use them often is that I have to program all over. My home environment is not the same at work, is not the same 'on location' is not the same 'on the road,' etc.

I program in the leanest way possible. I use the tools that will be available (or be made available) wherever. That means I use text-editors. I use 'vi' in Linux/Unix shells and I use Notepad++/Sublime on Windows. That way, where ever I am, I always have my 'tools' with me.

If I had the luxury of a more stable 'situation' for programming...meaning I knew I'd always be at the same desk, using the same IDE every time I wanted to do something, then I'd definitely learn it and use it. However, constantly switching platforms, languages, desktops, operating system makes it a bad idea to 'get used to' or 'rely on' any tool that can't be expected to exist in the next situation.

Comment Why protect the 'Store'? (Score 1) 241

Call me naive, but why is Google so protective of the Play Store? Don't they get a cut of every sale there? I can understand why they'd want to block the side-loading of apps onto other OS devices, but wouldn't they want EVERYONE to use the store?

What I see, is that they should work towards eliminating other stores. So the Amazon App Store is more of a threat than Microsoft making a phone that can point at Google's store.

Comment Star Wars is Firefly? (Score 3, Interesting) 376

Rule 1: On the frontier.
Rule 2: Old (well, at least broken) Not 'squeaky clean.'
Rule 3: The force is mysterious?
Rule 4: It's not cute.

All of those perfectly describe Firefly, (except the Force thing, and that's not really applicable.)

In fact, Malcolm Reynolds is a pretty accurate analogue for Han Solo, as Serenity is to the Millennium Falcon.

Who knew we liked Firefly for the same reasons we originally liked Star Wars?

Comment I wish I was just geek. (Score 1) 267

I would love to say I was just a geek. However the fact that I care about the difference means that I'm a nerd as well. I had to mark both.

I will say that I find positive affirmation in both titles. It's just that nerd contains a whole lot that I personally find negative as well.

Comment Do we keep ?DT or ?ST (Score 1) 646

The summary says that we should 'spring forward' without 'falling back.' However the end of the summary says that 'springing forward' increases risk of heart attack, so wouldn't it be better to wait till we 'fall back?' Picking the wrong one would mean a 2-hour shift (or maybe an overlap) between zones (somewhere over an ocean.)

Comment Re:How will this affect the industry? (Score 1) 385

I still prefer Paint Shop Pro to what I've seen with PhotoShop.

PSP has a mix of vector and raster manipulation that I haven't seen in any other program. I'm always surprised when my 'real artist' buddy is constantly moving back and forth between Illustrator and PhotoShop. It's the same confusion I get when I fire-up InkScape and half my tools are mission. PSP has both of them and they work together well.

I'm definitely not a professional though, and I barely use a small percentage of what even PSP offers. However the fact that I haven't seen another 'dual nature' graphics program really confuses me.

Comment Re:They obviously aren't "modelling" too hard (Score 1) 308

This is my thing. If I was going to subscribe to a movie theater, I'd get to go as many times as I wanted. I wouldn't be locked into seeing the good shows only once. It would probably end up with more 'day pass' customers since you'd likely bring new friends with you on the subsequent visits.

Regardless on whether it's a good ideas for the theater though, it's the only way I'd ever even consider 'subscribing' to a theater. Make it like a bus-pass (unlimited rides) or forget about it.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 368

I did the same thing, but TWO degrees, (my wife and mine, both on one income.) Now I was going to a State University and not some fancy place that gets a lot of press, but still I've never understood why my experience was so much different from all the stories that you hear, (and headlines like this.)

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