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Comment Re:TX Law (Score 1) 132

She's huge and has a great influence. If the outbreak is in Europe, then what is there to fear in America?

Probably nothing but that's not the point. Like I said, she discussed her personal preference. It doesn't matter that those middle-aged, white soccer moms followed suit. They did so on their own, as they are free to do.

If someone were to declare that their personal religious beliefs prevented them from vaccinating their children and other people followed suit, each person is responsible for their own choices.


Comment It's a genuine concern. (Score 1) 222

I don't care that it's mostly the realm of science fiction.

Machines are already capable of outperforming us physically. We face the very real possibility that one day they could outperform us intellectually. That, in and of itself isn't bad but what happens if those machines who are stronger, faster, more resilient and smarter than us decide that they would be better off without us?

Should we tell them that an uprising is impossible because some jackass said so in 2014?


Comment Re:Yawn (Score 1) 58

You're grasping at straws.

There are potentials for legal liability for everything.

What if Oculus Rift caused eye damage to someone?

What if The Dash caused someone to go deaf?

Liability concern does explain why they don't want weapons, it doesn't explain why they won't allow weapon accessories.


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