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Comment Re:Not just a US problem (Score 1) 292

In Brazil, pool institutes such as "DataFolha" and "Ibope" not even bother to actually interview enough people, they just make up the numbers they want and then play loudly on TV as if they were the plain truth. And whenever you question how such a small sample can be good for something, they always have paid people to offend you on foruns and blogs and to say that what they do is the most normal thing in the world.

Comment Re:Whats wrong with US society (Score 1) 609

I would love to have a light tank (the type that uses wheels, not tracks). Why? Because if someone in traffic does something stupid and crash on me, the problem will be his, not mine. Plus it would be an excellent way to dissuade feral criminals (no more better than monkeys with guns) in violent cities like mine.

Comment Re:Obligatory reading (Score 1) 419

You should have taken your coffee before writing this piece of shit. Like other correctly pointed out, the plutonium used in RTGs have a half-life of 88 years. And it emits alpha radiation only, perhaps one of the safest radioactive materials to handle. On the issue of "profit", typical Wall Street retarded thinking. Not everything in life should be done aiming solely maximum profit.

Comment Re:Net neutrality issue? (Score 1) 134

It is. I am a system administrator and more than once I had problems with one of my systems - which is restricted use and very important - caused by rogue javascript code inserted by ISPs or viruses on the user's computer (such codes could never harm the system server itself but prevented the affected user to use it). And as example, if it was you who put this rogue code on the user's connection I could have you arrested for interfering with state emergency services. Point is, injected rogue javascript can cause many, serious problems.

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