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Comment Re:This Is Disgusting And Sick (Score 1) 878

> Illicit drugs reduce your life expentancy.

Some of them, perhaps. As do many licit drugs. I fail to see why you make the licit/illicit distinction, as it is not the legal status of a drug that determines its harmfulness (except perhaps when it lands you in prison...). How about "Some recreational drugs reduce life expectancy, in particular those that are (for that reason) illegal.


Not really.

Comment Re:1% of the human brain ? (Score 1) 161

> the brain is supposed to lose neurons that aren't needed because the brain uses such a large portion of the caloric intake.

That does not seem like a good explanation. The human brain has about 100 billion neurons, so even if you lose 100.000 neurons every day, that means only a 0.04 % reduction every year, which does not make a meaningful difference in brain energy consumption.

Do explain how extra cells you aren't using don't qualify as 'unnecessary detail'.

Comment Re:1% of the human brain ? (Score 1) 161

I did spend a few minutes on google before posting that reply, did not find anything substantial. The theory appears to be pushed primarily by Hameroff and Penrose, but I could not find any experiments that support their theory. Other scientists appear to be arguing that either quantum effects are not required to explain the operation of the brain, or quantum systems in the brain would decohere too quickly to have a meaningful influence on computation. Since you originally introduced the Quantum mind theory in this discussion in your reply to Shavano, perhaps you should carry the burden of proof, yes?

Comment Re:1% of the human brain ? (Score 2) 161

> The computing power of the human brain is infinite, by some standard definitions, as it is analogue (at least partially, according to some theories) and there are an infinite number of analogue states.

Just because the brain theoretically has a practically infinite number of possible states does not mean all (or even most) of those states are meaningful and important. People lose thousands of neurons each day without changing significantly (with respect to both personality and intelligence). Obviously the brain contains a lot of detail that it doesn't really need. There is no reason to believe it is impossible to create a significantly less complex model/simulation of the brain that is both functionally equivalent and finite (except our ego, which seems to prefer to think of the human brain as infinitely complex).

Comment Re:1000 pflops is 1 exaflop right? (Score 1) 154

> Now if you could say on each image that "this is me", "this isn't me", and it could build up a database of people that should and should not be authorised and OVER TIME learn on it's own without just having a bunch of statistics like "> 20% green = > 90% probability", then you'd have some mild form of intelligence. Otherwise you just have heuristics, which are 0.000001% of how actual intelligence operates.

Cute. From which orifice did you pull the 0.000001%? Do share with the rust of us your elaborate knowledge concerning the workings of intelligence. What is the other 99.999999%? How did you obtain this information?

Comment Re:Dear BPI, (Score 1) 89

That isn't a very meaningful limitation. All posters here are copyright holders, as you hold the copyright of your own post. Anyone who has ever drawn a picture or written a paragraph is a copyright owner. With the exception of infants, I don't think you would be able to find anyone who is *not* a copyright holder.

Comment Re:Tattoos (Score 1) 131

Except that this time the Jews have their own country, military, nukes, and backing of the USA. Meanwhile Iran, with the exception of Israel, has the largest Jewish population in the Middle East.

Let's be honest here, the tensions between Iran and Israel have very little to do with Iran hating the Jews, Iran is not going to start a war with Israel unless forced to because they have very little chance of winning (with Israel having nukes and a rather overpowered ally), and even if Iran had nukes they would only use them on Israel as a last resort because the USA would turn their country in a big sheet of glass about 30 minutes later.

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