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Comment Re:Basic Scrutiny (Score 1) 917

You completely fail to understand the concept. You don't get UBI for making specific choices, everyone gets UBI. Period. What you choose to do after that is your business. If you want to live in hip popular areas, good for you, get a job so you can afford it. If you don't want to work, then yes you get to pick up and move to where your UBI is a sufficient amount of money for survival.

Comment Re:Holy flamebait batman! (Score 1) 917

Are you shitting me? Local government is the most oppressive? Are you going to claim that US local governments have a combined yearly budget of $around 4Trillion? Do local governments wage war around the world? Who is preventing more expansion these days, local governments or the EPA? Where are business regulations done, locally or federally?

Libertarians are all about eliminating oppressive laws at all levels of government. Who do you think is fighting for removing prohibitions on drugs or when alcohol can be sold or when businesses can and cannot be open?

Fucktards like you who haven't got a clue are part of the reason libertarians get smeared online. You're either a partisan liar, willfully ignorant or utterly stupid.

Comment Re:Holy flamebait batman! (Score 1) 917

I'm a libertarian who, while against the idea of people getting something for contributing nothing, understands that realities of automation may force us into some kind of UBI model.

I believe it's in our future in some form, the trick is going to be getting it right.

Comment Grandstanding (Score 1) 72

I'm having trouble finding specific timelines for this, but from the sounds of it the breach began two years ago and they only recently discovered and disclosed it.

So these esteemed *barf* senators are upset that it took so long to notice the breach? Were they that upset when it was discovered the the government run OPM database had been compromised for YEARS?

Political grandstanding by a bunch of useless dipshits.

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