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Comment Re:Technology can NOT eliminate work. (Score 1) 389

I'm a libertarian because I want to be left the hell alone. Big government exists for the sole purpose of telling me how to live, hence I'm a libertarian.

I loathe free riders because they don't contribute to the system that they're sponging off of. If the system becomes too imbalanced, nobody sane would choose to work for the very minor increase it provides over a guaranteed income, hence no work gets done.

Are these questions relevant, or just trolling?

Comment Re:Technology can NOT eliminate work. (Score 1) 389

You're talking about a mincome, basic income, or something of the sort. I'm a libertarian and loathe the idea of people getting free rides, but honestly I don't know if there's any other way society can continue with collapsing in on itself. It would be an interesting experiment if it could be limited in scope, basic living wage income for every adult, government provided health care, then eliminate all other forms of welfare and the minimum wage.

Comment Re:protecting intellectual property is... theft?! (Score 1) 328

Your descendants can benefit from it. Sell copies of your book, then invest your money like everybody else that has to continue working over and over again to continue getting paid. Why do you believe you're so special that you should be able to work once, and then you and your progeny get paid indefinitely?

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When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
