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Comment Back in my day (Score 4, Insightful) 142

I remember how happy I was the first time I had cable internet. I was beta testing for comcast. Free for the first 6 months. So exciting. Now, I'm old (37) and bandwidth doesn't excite me the way it used to. I'm paying for 10MB I get 12MB... I could get up to 100, but why bother. I come home, sit on my couch and have a beer. The kids can and I can play all the minecraft we want on that 12MB connection.

Comment As I get older (Score 1) 285

My tolerance for doing the pepper challenge goes down. Not that I think they're any hotter, more like I have less to prove.

Now I don't eat much hotter than a jalapeno. I've done the ass-in-the-tub sauce type stuff before and now I'd just rather not have the heartburn.

Comment Re:Fine, if and only if it can be turned off. (Score 1) 158

What if, for the feature to work, you had to contact the carrier and give them the phone's PIN. Only then would it wipe. The carrier wouldn't be able to wipe until you contacted them with said PIN.

Or maybe when you set up the phone a 'wipe pin' that doesn't get reset when the phone is wiped?

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