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Comment Back in my day (Score 4, Insightful) 142

I remember how happy I was the first time I had cable internet. I was beta testing for comcast. Free for the first 6 months. So exciting. Now, I'm old (37) and bandwidth doesn't excite me the way it used to. I'm paying for 10MB I get 12MB... I could get up to 100, but why bother. I come home, sit on my couch and have a beer. The kids can and I can play all the minecraft we want on that 12MB connection.

Comment As I get older (Score 1) 285

My tolerance for doing the pepper challenge goes down. Not that I think they're any hotter, more like I have less to prove.

Now I don't eat much hotter than a jalapeno. I've done the ass-in-the-tub sauce type stuff before and now I'd just rather not have the heartburn.

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