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Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 529

So basically we should give up all our civil liberties, and live in a police state with harsher restrictions than sharia law WITH high tech tools to enforce it.

Yes, yes; now you're catching on!

Submission + - Portland officer sued over arrest of Bar Harbor couple videotaping police action (

KGIII writes: Directly from the website:

"A civil rights group has filed a lawsuit against a city police officer on behalf of a Bar Harbor couple who was arrested this past spring for videotaping police officers on a public street.'"

That's the gist of things right there. In my opinion it's about time. While I don't support everything that the Maine chapter of the ACLU this is one of the times that the group is spot on. The ACLU site has this to say about the taping of police in general and has a number of links to more information. They can be found here:

If you're going to video tape the police then this link has a number of good rules for doing so and is worth reading before you go out and just start filming arrests. It's worth checking into your local laws because here's a store about a guy facing up to 16 years in prison for filming the police,

Yeah, really, 16 years... Let's let that set in for a minute.

While you mull that over and froth at the mouth — here are a few links to sites that are dedicated to preserving your liberties:

http://www.berkeleycopwatch.or... — Where it all began (they got Cop Watch going there). — Lots of information with a large database — or use this link: — Yet another group advocating recording the police.

As for a technical remedy it seems like it would be good protection (for the person who's doing the recording) to figure out a way to have the video uploaded and saved automatically as it is recorded and, perhaps, also enable immediate streaming to the web. Having another copy of the video being automatically made and uploaded may help you in court should the police decide to violate your rights and with it streamed there's some chance that someone's watching it and can then be a witness should such be required. Is there software to do this automatically? I imagine you can find a couple of apps that will do this for Android, Apple, and Windows phones or even cobble one together on your own.

Thoughts? I imagine that people would like those features and that they may even pay for those features though giving it away to those watching the police would still be ideal. I suppose you could add more features and do a free and paid version. If there are any app developers here (I'm sure there are) then there's an idea for you to think about. I suspect it would be a good money maker as an app like that would have more uses than just filming the police. It's your million dollar idea and it is free for the taking but I suspect somebody has already thought of it and I'm just not aware of it. Either way, streaming and automatically saving to the web would be fantastic and, as a bonus, it would really irritate the cop.

Comment Too complicated... (Score 1) 364

Too complicated with too many ways to circumvent the restrictions. Suspend their fucking license for thirty days (first offense) if caught using anything but GPS or MP3 apps while driving, six months for the second offense, two years for the third offense, five years for the fourth and permanent revocation for the fifth.

Comment Re:fracking is NOT new (Score 1) 191

Fracking itself may not be new... but it wasn't used on a scale anywhere even close to what we're seeing now... until the advent of directional drilling, which definitely is new. And it can be argued that drilling long narrow tunnels laterally through layers of shale is far less disruptive and risky than the recent trend of pumping millions of gallons of fresh water, diesel, propane, proprietary mixes of mysterious synthetic substances into the ground beneath our pastures and farmland.

So, while the media may have missed a few technical details in their coverage, it's definitely a moot point.

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