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Comment For the cops that oppose (Score 2) 643

Just like everything else in this country, a few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us.

My dad is a retired cop, very honest guy (though maybe I'm a bit biased). Most of the guys on the force were genuine good guys, of course there was 1 or 2 jackass's that would do stupid shit.

If a chest cam is going to eliminate the contradictions between the cop and the suspect, so be it. A few thousand people died 13 years ago in a terrorist attack and now the rest of us who want to fly on a commercial aircraft are treated as potential terrorists.

Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 2) 144

If they used hiragana (phonetic) it would be quite simple. I believe there are just 71.

My wife is Japanese and her family name is so rare that almost no one would know how to pronounce it by reading the kanji. Common names like Yamamoto can be read literally, my wife must always include the hiragana with her name.

Comment Hoping for better solution (Score 1) 383

At work I have so many passwords with different requirements and different reset schedules that I had to turn to the low tech approach of writing every one down on a post it note and hiding it under my calculator on my desk. I do take my laptop home every evening.

Interesting enough, email is the only program we no longer have to sign in to each time, and it also does not time out after inactivity like every other program. That is the place where most sensitive business information would be located. All they would need to do is crack my windows password (while also knowing my login name).

I wish I could log in to windows and do one authentication to unlock every other program I use routinely.

Comment Re:Weakest US President ever (Score 4, Insightful) 582

Mid-east fighting, 2000 years and going strong. Yes, clearly not having peace there is Obama's fault...

I just don't get this bravado from some Americans that think we should be directly involved in every conflict around the globe. Ironically, all these global conflicts are a huge drain on the national treasury. Can't cut the budgets and join a few wars at the same time.

Comment Re:That's how I clean my cat's litter box. (Score 4, Funny) 58

Easy enough to check. Send up a can of mixed nuts to the space station and put it in a slow centrifuge. Spin it for a few days then open it up and... shit, someone ate all the cashews and almonds, and reluctantly the peanuts, leaving only the brazil nuts. FAIL.

Comment banananana monoculture (Score 2) 396

One of the problems with banananas is that food crop bananas are clones, and so as a monoculture the crops are prone to complete loss by disease.

Unrelated, but mentioned in the article, everything that is not dark green or orange that you add vitamin A to will take on an orange hue. That is not a surprise. Also not a problem.

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