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Comment Re:you're missing something (Score 1) 206

Lest ye be totally misled: the original article states that the process that led to this discovery was applied in the image domain. That is, with graphical information (pixels?). The MRI is in the Fourier domain and thus benefits differently from this (this has been explained by other posters and frankly I don't clearly understand it), but you must consider that this all goes back to that one guiding principle under discussion: sparsity.

Comment Re:You can't create something from nothing - can y (Score 1) 206

You're missing the scope of the sampling. It doesn't sample a 200x200 square and give you a 1024x768 image, it samples random pixels from the range you are looking to come out with in the end.</p>

To put it in Javascript...

for(rows=1; rows < maxrows; rows++){
for(cols=1; cols < maxcols; cols++){
  if(Math.rand() < 0.2){ StorePixel(cols,rows) }

And if taking an image of something that typically appears in the natural world, you will come out with a picture that is "not wrong." That means that it won't put something there that isn't supported by the data, data that is randomly sampled and likely to represent at least a portion of every significant aspect of the original object. In practice, they have used this to great efficacy, so the arguments of "it won't work" are invalid. It has, it does.

Comment Re:The next line states... (Score 2, Informative) 360

browsing sexually gratifying websites, online gaming sites and online communities

All of which would likely increase activity of which neuro-transmitter? Did anyone say dopamine? And what else increases dopamine activity? More witches! Err, no. Certain classes of drugs, illicit or otherwise. And depression is provably related to imbalances in norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. I'd love to get a real biologist's take on this research.

Comment Re:Ugh... (Score 1) 252

Are you sure you didn't mean to quote this part:

shoulder pads, big hair, jackets with sleeves rolled up, zip-up shoes (remember Ciaks?), scraps of brightly fabric tied everywhere, puffy shirts, skinny leather neckties, faux military uniforms, solitary white gloves

Seems more GaGa to me. YMMV.

Comment Re:He is correct (Score 2, Interesting) 364

I agree. IT people should be more in tune with how the business works as well. This is where industry software and hardware often fall apart.

They have one of two things:

1. IT person creating business applications and hardware. They are technically superior, but miss the goals of the business partially, or entirely. Because of this, the business cannot run optimally.

2. A Business person creating business applications and hardware. They are technically inferior...sometimes so much to the point of not working half the time, but the ideas, and the process fit the business model.

Having IT people within the business that can identify what the user is trying to do, and how to do it, can help the IT person come up with better ideas of how to do it. When a user asks to fix a problem, don't just fix it, perhaps there is a better way of doing what they want.

Reminds me of a time when I was called in to fix some scanners and printers. After fixing them, they proceded to print a document, then scan it in, just to email it to a vendor. I politely showed them that CutePDF prints PDFs like a printer, and they can email it, saving a few steps and a lot of time. Now I try to engage the users in asking them what they want to accomplish.

Comment Re:"Friendly AI" (Score 1) 258

Well, suppose your Mom was at a restaurant having dinner, and it got blown up, killing her and most of the rest of the clientele, and you learned that the restaurant was bombed without warning because a "high value target" was supposed to have been there, but wasn't. (This has happened, and it was no accident.) I assume, based on the above, you would feel that "them's the breaks," but I can assure you that many people would conclude that the people dropping the bombs don't really care much as to whether civilians were killed or not, and you don't have to dig very deep to learn that in reality many of the people at the receiving end of such incidents do indeed feel that the people behind the bombs deserve punishment.

Read for content. I was criticizing that attitude by saying there's no moral distinction between the suicide bombing and the Air Force bombing.

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