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Comment Re:finally (Score 2) 350

My main page goes from "Ask Slashdot: How To Unblock Email From My Comcast-Hosted Server?" to "Popular Smartphones Hacked At Mobile Pwn2Own 2014" with no Bennett Haselton at all.

How? This greasemonkey script will prevent you from seeing Bennett Haselton's shit on the main page or an of the "older" pages ( ). (Make sure you're redirecting beta to the real site.)

It just shits through the DOM looking for the shitty firehose/article/content structure and matching whole words against bennett or haselton in either the innerhtml or the plaintext node itself (just in case), then hides the article.

itwbennett is not blocked - does anyone know if it's the same persone? I checked itworld's shitty site but couldn't find anything. There's an amy bennett and some other bennett, but no haseldouche.

Comment Re:Wonderful idea. (Score 4, Insightful) 698

I'm pretty sure that "various gunshots" sound a lot more like one another than "a gunshot" and "a book hitting the floor" sound like one another:

For instance:
- dropping a book doesn't cause a supersonic snap as it passes by the sensor - a bullet does.
- a book hitting the floor is not going to create a sound that is 120 dB to 160 dB - noise levels equivalent to "somewhere between a pnemuatic riveter and a jet engine." The muzzle blast from a gun does create a sound that loud.

So there's two fairly easy to discriminate characteristics that are pretty unlikely in a school setting. If the system detects and reports on those, it should be pretty easy to eliminate false positives from some douche-canoe in the library dropping a book on the floor.

I take it you've never fired any guns in your life.
The sound of a gunshot varies wildly with the type of gun, the type of ammunition, the space you're in, the direction the gun is facing relative to you, and your distance from the gun (distance doesn't just effect the loudness). A rifle shot in an open space can be heard for miles. A handgun shot in a closed room can go unnoticed by people in the adjoining room.

I can guarantee you 2 things:
1: This system simply detects and tries to locate the source of a sudden spike.
2: Students will try to trip it, and they will succeed.

Comment Wrong (Score 1) 834

We can start by stating the obvious: It is never appropriate to use slurs, metaphors, graphic negative imagery, or any other kind of language that plays on someone's gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religion.

Wrong. Just because it hurts your feelings doesn't mean it's not appropriate. The entire POINT is to hurt your feelings.
Similarly for doxxing, posting nudes, etc.

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