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Comment Re:Double Standard? (Score 1) 569

Free speech. If the indirect consequences matter, then we should be holding charlie hebdo responsible for getting several people killed.

You cannot have it both ways.

There's a difference between speech and the consequences of it, idiot.
There's no having it both ways here. Someone who swats someone is free to do so, and is free to do so until they die. They have an inalienable right to that speech. They do not have a free pass when someone is shot, when the cops decide to send him a bill for all the wasted time, when someone else couldn't get help because the cops were at the swatting victim's house, etc.

Comment Re:Doesn't matter (Score 2, Insightful) 224

Not letting them on the road seems a little extreme but do they have to have a brand new car? What happened to having a beater to putt around in for the first few years?

What does it matter to you? Sure I drove a beater like most of us but if a parent puts their kid in a new(er) car, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with that unless the kid develops an entitlement complex from it. If the money isn't an issue to them it really shouldn't matter to us either.

Getting a shiny new car for your first car is typically a symptom of being a spoiled brat.
(And yes, if the parents can afford a shiny new car to give their kid as their first car, they're likely very well off and thus the kid is likely a spoiled brat.)
Spoiled brats don't have to deal with consequences. Spoiled brats will drive like assholes. A shiny new car enforces this mentality, and it encourages driving with friends and doing stupid shit.

Have you ever even met a teenager?

Comment Re:How About (Score 1, Insightful) 224

They got greedy, and the spineless, scrupleless generation of "parents" caved.

Billy gets an F in 6th grade English and still gets a new XBOX with the latest Call of Duty.
Tammy gets knocked up at 14 and still gets a new iPhone with the latest apps.
Chris is caught using drugs behind the school and still gets a new car that the parents can't really afford.

Comment Re:How About (Score 4, Insightful) 224

Because then you'll have shithead 20somethings on the road instead, with no parental supervision whatsoever.

The only way to learn to drive is to drive.

The difference is teens are much more shithead-like than 20-somethings (not that I haven't noticed the increasing prevalence of 20-something shitheads), and teens are often not held responsible (legally or financially) for their actions (further enabling shithead behavior).

Comment Re:Plug-ins were scapegoats but now we can't go ba (Score 3, Interesting) 237

window.onbeforeunload = function(){while(1);}

Throw that on a page, close the tab, and lol.

Browsers happily execute what the page commands it to before considering what you the user commanded it to do. There are poorly-documented restrictions on things you can do during beforeunload or unload, all varying across browsers. I don't think you can alert(), you can return 'Some Shit' but it always displays a stock message ("Do you want to leave this page?"), IE will block calls, etc. There's still plenty of room for you to fuck the user's experience over, however.

Eventually the browser's long-running script timer will grant you, the pitiful user, the option to fucking do what you want.

Comment Re:No longer required (Score 1) 362

They can revoke it all they want, but they can't get devices to accept the revocation without an update mechanism. If an update mechanism is in place for any particular device, it can be used by the end user just as it can be by MS, once any obscurity is peeled away. Of course, any such update mechanism isn't going to function for shit if you've replaced Windows 10 with Linux unless you've a got a full, independent stack backed into the EFI capable of going over the internets, fetching a revocation list, and updating itself without any user interaction.

Comment Re:Plug-ins were scapegoats but now we can't go ba (Score 0) 237

Slashdot is bloated shit. It's nowhere near as bloated and shitty as many other major sites, but it's bloated fucking shit.
The fact that it tracks every fucking pixel you click on or drag across, or phones home when you try to close a tab is fucking absurd. The fact that browsers ALLOW this behavior is utter horseshit.

Go ahead, watch the bottom of the page when you close a Slashdot tab. When Slashdot is slow (and it often is) you'll see the "Working" indicator with the shitty little spinny wheel before your browser actually complies and closes the tab.

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