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Comment Re:Better go kick WSUS into a sync... (Score 5, Informative) 178

Any worthwhile testing would take weeks to perform.
Enjoy being exposed to known and active vulnerabilities while you're busy testing each patch individually against a dozen or more hardware configs across dozens of applications across hundreds of workloads and 99.99% of the time you'll find no problems that justify holding the patch back. And you'll STILL have Jerry from Accounting call you up after you deploy it because it broke the medieval torture device he calls an "ergonomic" keyboard.
You (or some peon) will then be dispatched to his desk to investigate Brenda's ticket of "Jerry's computer frozen please advise.", and you'll be forced to awkwardly use that shitty keyboard while you troubleshoot (you didn't bring your own because you forgot he fucking had the damned thing).

Here's the testing you need to do in the real world:
Install all the patches on your machine.
Launch IE, FF, Chrome, Outlook, Word, and Excel.
Launch any applications mentioned in the bulletin.
If nothing crashed, deploy the patch to everyone.
If something crashed, search "Patch Tuesday Breaks " and look for recent shit.

Comment Re:Most people don't object to public breast feedi (Score 1) 350

"Except that they play a fundamental role in sexual reproduction."

Care to elaborate on that?

Mammalian offspring drink breast milk.
Without breast milk mammalian offspring can't survive.
Without surviving offspring, sexual reproduction is unsuccessful.

We have artificial substitutes for breast milk, penises, vaginas, etc, but that doesn't change how we instinctively view these things.

Comment Re:Timely (Score 1) 103

Whatever happened to real UI principles?

They moved to Windows 8/8.1, and 10.
The desktop interface works. The "Modern" (formerly "Metro") interface works for small screens and small minds.

Windows handles both rather well. If Windows 10 phones grant me a full desktop (I buy phones with 5-6" screens) with full admin privileges (by default or by hacking), I'm ditching Android.

Comment Re:More lightning? (Score 0) 41

Forget decisions,

facts don't exists until Bennett haselton has weighed in one them. All controversy and dissent vanish once Bennett has made the truth known.

Bennett Haselton is an important person.
Bennett Haselton has valuable insights.
Bennett Haselton deserves our attention.

Bennett Haselton is a frequent contributor.
Bennett Haselton gets blocked by my greasemonkey user script.

Comment Re:Won't be missed (Score 1) 105

Wallet uses the same terminals.

Yes, they do. Who ever said otherwise? Leave that poor straw man alone.

Drink cool-aid much?

No, I don't drink kool-aid much. It taste like shit.

You have to add water and sugar.

Don't buy the version that says "no sugar needed!", it has terrible tasting artificial sweeteners.
Don't buy the pre-mixed boxes/puoches. They taste terrible.
Don't attempt to drink the powder straight.

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