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Comment Re:I'm so pissed at electronic devices!!! (Score 1) 134

Instead of ranting against them (not that I disagree) you could also just not use any cloud services. Their TOS and EULAs are usually unacceptable anyway. I store everything on my PC and backup the contents of this machine in encrypted form to georedundant servers. The rest is just a matter of using remote desktop login, ssh, and similar services.

If you don't want to set up the services on your own, there is a little Danish company that produces sort of two matching, paired USB sticks that allow you to move files between any two endpoints, including very sophisticated NAT traversal. It's nothing you couldn't on your own in software but seems quite handy to me. Can't remember their name though.

Comment Interesting read (Score -1, Flamebait) 92

Snowden's probably right. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if the new Slashdot design (aka "B e t a") were one of the devious DDOS attacks of the British online intelligence in order to further the agenda of the British Broadcasting Corporation and weaken US media influence. Think about it: What a heinous plan to implement a new web design and then let the rest of the DOS attack be done by the crowd - and with a jolly good sense of British humour mixed in, I may add! So what do you think? Is it possible that the Brits are behind all this?

Comment Re:Good web-based email (Score 1) 244

Do you really need web-based email? There are plenty of native pop3/imap clients for every platform that will beat a web-based system any day. And just about any paid email provider will also give you some web-based interface, too, just in case you might need it.

Security is another matter. Unencrypted email can be read by anyone from the local sysadmin to your mom, no matter where and how in the world you send it.

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Trying to be happy is like trying to build a machine for which the only specification is that it should run noiselessly.
