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Comment Re:In the US (Score 1) 347

These law suits are not really so frivolous, because customer protection is generally low.

US = good service, lousy consumer protection laws, ridiculously high damage compensation

Europe = bad service, excellent consumer protection laws, ridiculously low damage compensation

Or at least, that's how I always understood it.

Comment Assuming this is done... how, really? (Score 2) 345

As a European, I always wonder how these politicians want to enforce these schemes. Will it be impossible to import strong encryption into US? But how? I still have a little closed-source shareware program with strong encryption online. So what happens if a US citizen purchases it via my web shop? Will this person be put into prison? Or will I somehow magically commit a crime in in the US even though I live elsewhere and have never been there, and will be extradited to the US? In the latter case, how should I prevent that US citizens buy my program? IP-based geolocation that is easy to fool?

Has any of these persons who suggest "workarounds" and backdoors ever made any concrete suggestions how to handle this?

Comment Re:Jeering From the Sidelines (Score 1) 383

You should disagree with this claim, though. Even the wikipedia article the GP links to starts with Plato, Aristotle and Ibn al-Haytham. Of these three, Aristotle and Ibn al-Haytham count as much as natural scientists than as philosopher, and the same holds for most presocratic writers. It then goes on with Bacon and Popper, as if in the roughly two millenia in between no science had happened.

There is no doubt that philosophers and philosophizing scientists have contributed a lot to our understanding of scientific discovery, but claiming that they somehow "invented scientific method" is preposterous, and no philosopher of any weight has ever talked that way.

Comment Re:Trust the philosopher, my foot! (Score 1) 383

Philosophy is not the scientific method, but philosophy is where the scientific method comes from.

This is a myth based on the fact that for a long time practically all natural scientists were also philosophers, because there was no clear separation between the disciplines. It's much fairer to say that scientific method evolved from experimentation about the physical world triggered by overwhelming curiosity.

Comment Re:Trust the philosopher, my foot! (Score 1) 383

I'd put it that way: 90% of publications in philosophy are complete and utter rubbish, but the remaining 10% are extremely interesting and well worth studying. So you need to ask the right philosopher.

As far as the philosophy of physics is concerned, a minimum criterion of adequacy is in my opinion that the philosopher has also studied physics and understands the mathematics that is relevant to the questions at hand. These people are generally rare and might not even exist if the topic is string theory.

Comment Re:Godwin (Score 4, Interesting) 735

You're exaggerating. He might mess up his country and a bunch of other countries in bad ways if he is elected, but he's nowhere as dangerous or evil as Hitler. He's essentially a clown, a narcissist entertainer who was blessed with and psychologically corrupted by a lot of inherited wealth. The kind of guy who is proud to be an asshole and actually is one, as opposed to all these likable 'nice assholes' who in reality aren't.

Yes, it will be Hillary vs Trump, Trump will become the next George W. Bush^3 of the USA, and after his reign,the US might be at the brink of a civil war, but at least its going to be entertaining. In the long run, a weak and reasonably fucked up US can be beneficial to Europe, so I don't worry too much.

Comment Re:Android? Forget it! (Score 4, Informative) 82

You're missing the point, which is that an "Android Desktop PC" does not have the kind of applications you'd want to have on a desktop PC. This "Remix OS", a slightly modified version of Android, just runs Android apps developed for phones and tablets. To quote the review: "Remix OS does a pretty good job of making some Android apps feel like they were designed for desktop use, but there’s only so much the OS can do if apps don’t play along."

Comment Re:So let me get this straight. (Score 1) 452

As a reader of /. I know your political opinions, of course, so it's kind of pointless saying this, but Sanders is definitely among the reasonable politicians in this electoral run. (There are one or two halfway reasonable Republicans, too, but just like Sanders they have no chance of becoming candidates.) You may disagree with his suggestions, that's understandable, but at least he recognizes the real problem, namely the dwindling middle class. You don't have to be a socialist or become one to recognize that this is the biggest problem of the US in the long run, and that clowns like Trump and elitists like Clinton will never address this problem. A better economy will not alleviate this problem. Look at the data, it's horrifying.

By the way, the Danish PM is deliberately misleading and he knows it, but he has a political agenda. The Danish government is one of the most right-wing governments ever in Denmark. However, most of their actual policies would still count as pure socialism in the US. It's just a confusion of words, what Sanders and most of your fellow Americans call Socialism is in reality Social Democracy, which has practically nothing to do with socialism as a precursor to communism. The latter was only ever defended by communists, never by any Social Democrats. Sanders should use the right word, but he deliberately chose not to because the majority of US citizens is unable to make the distinction anyway and he wants to provoke.

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