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Comment Re:Parallax. (Score 1) 425

Generally agree with you. You missed out a few things like laptop computers: Apple didn't invent those, either, but the typical modern laptop design with a trackpad at the front and a set-back keyboard originates from the original Powerbooks. I think they've got a stronger claim with DTP - 3rd party page layout software alone wouldn't be "desktop publishing" without an affordable GUI computer and affordable workgroup laser printer with plug-and-play networking.

However, I still think its fair criticism to say that the iPhone6/6+ feels a bit like playing catch-up: "Phablets" have been around for several years now and are already a commercial success. There's no shame in designing something to meet customer demand, though...

Comment Re:Carpooling should be as free as speech (Score 1) 288

Of course it's who they approve of - because the point of carpool lanes is to effectively remove significant traffic and air pollution, and they felt that Uber doesn't qualify.

Bullshit, they're still letting licensed commercial vehicles use the HOV lane. The fact is that HOV lanes are shit. They're a waste of space which accomplishes none of the stated goals. Simply adding another general lane does more to reduce emissions, because it does more to reduce congestion, and thus reduces idling — where vehicles without start-stop systems get 0 MPG and thus are producing pure pollution. They're always trying to justify the existence of HOV lanes with bullshit like this, but they still are unjustifiable.

Comment Re:Silly design decision (Score 1) 425

Phones have big screens now, so they need armor anyway. So since you're going to put armor on the phone, you want the phone to get thinner, so that the phone with a case on it is still thin. Just making the phone thin allows the user to put whichever case on it they like, so they get to personalize their phone and you don't have to try to anticipate their needs, instead letting the whole world do that. And that's why having the camera really doesn't matter. In fact, having the bezel around it protrude from the camera probably helps protect that side from scratches. What's the problem, planned to slot-load the phone?

Comment Re:I HATE multiplayer (Score 1) 292

In multiplayer games you often need someone to lead to get good results. This in no way means that the other teammembers are less respectable, being in charge is simply "part of the job". A good leader gets the most out of each teammembers strengths while covering their weaknesses. This should make the game more fun for everyone.

There is a difference between playing up teammates' strengths and covering their weaknesses, and demanding precise-to-the-microsecond-and-millimeter performance from team members and denigrating them for not being robots when they aren't perfect. Most MMORPGs go the route of end bosses that do predictable things at predictable times, with predictable responses, so fairly quickly a 'recipe' for defeating the boss gets put together... and then gets carved in stone so that it must be adhered to without variation, and anyone who dares deviate from it in any way, no matter how small, is therefore entirely and solely responsible for any negative outcome (i.e., team wipe). Each player has to have precisely the right gear to maximize their effectiveness, and has to adhere slavishly to the rotation that's been tested to eke out an additional .00000017% extra DPS... And somewhere in all of the number-crunching, the people who fixate on this sort of 'efficiency' lose sight of the fact that you play an MMORPG to have fun, not to be a fungible asset shoehorned into one of the Tank/DPS/Heal categories of a 'holy trinity' that itself limits your ability to play the way you want.

Comment Re:Carpooling should be as free as speech (Score 1) 288

Even with the new rules that for-profit "ridesharing" (i.e. independent taxi service) can't use the carpool lane, ANYONE with more than one person in a car not charging the passenger gets to use the lane,

Right. Because someone is charging for something, they're not permitted to use the lane. That's prejudicial, since both people who are not charging and people who are charging but have a license to do so are able to use the lane. So it's not ANYONE, it's ANYONE YOU APPROVE OF.

Comment Re:Car Dealers should ask why they're being bypass (Score 1) 155

I believe the primary reasons are more likely to do with distance and communication.

But there's no reason to believe that.

The idea of trying to manage a network of stores across the country when communication was by post or expensive phone calls just simply didn't make sense.

What? Why not? Cars are expensive items, phone calls are minimal by comparison. If you have an order for a car, you drop the form in the post. At least, they did back then.

In fact, the reasons are as stated. The manufacturers want to make cars at X dollars, which requires building Y cars. Right now there are cars which can't be sold piled up all over the world, for reasons like these and others (e.g. "the economy, stupid")

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

I have a feeling the person you are arguing with spends his days
1) eating lead with the word "beef" chiseled on it,
2) drives his car inside the shopping mall and convenience stores to get to the indoor ATMs, and
3) likes to troll handicap people

Since the first action item somehow hasn't killed him yet, that just gives more weight to the rest as an indicator of just how awful of a person it is ;P

Comment Re:So-to-speak legal (Score 1) 418

The legal ( and its sound reasoning ) will be sure the first amendment provides you can say pretty much anything you want but it says nothing about you being able to do it in anonymity.

Says Mister DarkOx, if that is your real name...

Since you are out right admitting you are doing nothing but illegal crimes (perfectly sound reasoning once I saw your not-name in your post after all) - you'll need to do much much better to convince me and all of us why we should take the opinions of a criminal to be worth more than a grain of digital salt.

But it was a nice try, pedo :P

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