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Comment Re:Point is you would not STOP paying (Score 1) 631

Exactly. When the retailers offer an across-the-board 1% discount I'll stop and pay attention to what else they're including. As it stands 1% is the *minimum* cash back I get on everything I spend via CC. More at places like gas stations and restaurants. Plus basically net-30 terms as long as I pay my CC in full each month.

Oh, and all the other perks that CC's offer (travel insurance, discounts, etc.) which typically come to higher-tier spenders.

What's CurrenC going to do for me? Automatically integrate my frequent-shopper card? Pretty sure there's an app for that ... oh passbook. (among others)

Comment Re:Not a chance (Score 1) 631

Isn't it wonderful? Two numbers and the assumption that you're not a bad actor, especially if you have inside access. Even better, the routing numbers are public information!

I'm rather shocked there hasn't been a whole lot more fraud along these lines...especially among smaller/older banks using consecutive account numbers.

You can undo all the transactions you want ... except when someone then wires the money elsewhere, withdraws it via non-retractable means, etc. :) Granted that takes some doing without it being obvious who-dun-it unless you have access to someone else's identity...and that *never* happens. Oh crap wait...

Comment Re: Not a chance (Score 1) 631

Bitcoin sounds like an answer but, from someone who recently went through buying something in bitcoin, it's not quite a simple as "use teh bitcoinz" ... not by a long shot.

Buying "anonymous" bitcoins often involves more information than getting a car loan unless you want to meet someone face to face. Are there other ways? Sure. Are they easily accessible, reasonably legit (seeming at least), and not complex? Erm...not at all. Tempted to buy a few anyhow in hopes they pop back up to the $ range they peaked at. I remember when people would give away 1BTC to anyone willing to create a wallet just for cool-factor. Oops!

Comment Re:Prison time (Score 1) 275

There's the part about willfully violating someone's privacy to obtain the image in the first place. Digital trespass laws the gov't throw around when they don't have anything else useful to arrest someone probably cover it.

If something is already on the internet it's very difficult to make a convincing argument that it's actually private anymore. Doesn't make it right to share those ex-girlfriend nudies you downloaded but on a totally different level.

Comment Re:Prison time (Score 1) 275

No no...they need some kind of premise to do it. You'd have to be guilty of speeding-while-minority or causing-officer-rage or committing a minor offense that's getting 'targeted-enforcement'. Oh and there's the ever convenient felony-broken-taillight to watch out for.

Seriously though all these horrific things are the vast, vast minority of police interactions. That doesn't excuse them in any way and I think they should be prosecuted of course. It's one thing to use poor judgment (guy waves a gun around screaming in a public place so you shoot him and find out it was a toy) and another to do things obviously illegal, immoral, and unwarranted (without consent ... going into someone's phone to look for nude pictures and sharing them with your friends). Verify the former happened as reported, apologize as appropriate. Prosecute the latter.

If cops have special laws that protect them (assaulting an officer is far different than assaulting joe 6-pack) then there should be mirroring laws that have similarly elevated punishments when they misbehave.

Comment Re:$3500 fine? (Score 1) 286

Take a trip down to mexico for example. A few years I went to Cancun on vacation and they were installing something (probably electrical conduit) in the ground alongside the highway.

No backhoe. No construction trucks in sight. Just a dozen guys with shovels that were apparently dropped off there to do their work. Oh, and no supervisor in a vest standing around or silly 'flag men' mindlessly waiving traffic.

Comment Re:WMDs? Chemical weapons? Wait, what? (Score 1) 376

Your story doesn't add up.

Autoimmune disease from blood agent in the water that was detected multiple times yet wasn't there. Ok...I'll chalk that up to typical hush-hush tin hat stuff.

But hereditary? No way. Not unless they had biological agents far, FAR in advance of anything the US can even do today. The agent would have had to infect your testicles and /change your DNA/ to make the trait inheritable.

Thank you for serving and sorry you have an AI disease ... but if Iraq had bio weapon capability that advanced they'd have taken us apart. It makes no sense that they'd instead use it to make soldiers ill years and years after the fact.

Comment Re:Bad news for ESPN (Score 1) 139

Agreed. They're all just getting greedy (well, finding different ways to satiate the greed I suppose) and the consumer loses out once again.

Netflix was great...their streaming catalog had just about anything I wanted. Now it seems I miss more often than I hit when searching.

The rest? No thanks. 15 bucks a month for this, 10 for that. Look at the NFL prices - $55/month for live out-of-market games on sunday or $70/month for non-live streaming. Are you kidding me? I mean...obviously there are people stupid enough to pay that since it's cheaper than dish but still...

Lucky for me I don't care about live sports and anything I want to watch is usually available via torrent within a half hour of broadcast (or movies which are just there). Paid streaming WAS a great thing and now they're getting greedy, dividing the pie up so much it's taking away the usefulness and savings.

Comment Re:Overblown Story About Nothing (Score 2) 111

Maybe in a perfect world.

In reality...if they want to be inside the information loop of the White House they have to play ball. Sure, they can give them the finger and be cut out...left to second hand information...and fall behind in all the late breaking stories. They might get something unique, new, or otherwise not commented on once in a while but they're giving up the firehose for the garden best.

Comment Re:If I were president... (Score 0) 111

Doesn't everyone realize Obama
- bought the media or
- they bought him or
- a 3rd party bought them both?

That's about the only transparent thing to come out of the joke of his presidency as far as I can tell. I saw it on day 1 when suddenly the front cover of the paper wasn't counting the soldiers who died in iraq 3+ days a week. Sure, there's been negative coverage - they can't just *skip* something like Snowden. But instead of harping on things they're quick to jump to some other (pointless) 'for the children' type crap. OMG 42 people died last year from masturbating with broken glass we need to start a charity, care center, public education, and help the children know that it's unsafe. New at 11.

The fact that the reporters are finally 'doing something' right around the end of his term is comical and just continues to prove the point.

Comment Re:No mention on capacity though (Score 1) 395

Also, based on math in a previous post of mine you'd realistically only need 1-2MW.

That's for a full electric 'gas station' that is able to serve as many customers as a regular gas station does in a typical day. Technically it's to sell the equivalent number of 'driving miles' since EVs are ~3x more efficient. :)

Comment Re:No mention on capacity though (Score 1) 395

Let's try apples to apples though - what does an EV filling station need to provide to match a gas station?

Average 2013 new car MPG is 24.9 (use 25)
Tesla MPGe is 89 to 95 (use 90)
1 Gal Gas Equiv = 33.4kWh (wiki)

3000 gallons sold/day * 25MPG = 75000 miles per day
75000 miles / 90MPGe = 833 GGE
833 GGE * 33.4kwh = 27.8MWm over 24 hours is ~1.2MW

The tesla chargers are ~90% efficient and MVA-level grid transformers are mid to high 90% efficient. So even accounting for those losses that your total power grid demand is under 1.5MW for a full service station.

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