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Robots Will Pave the Way To Mars 95

szotz (2505808) writes "There's a lot of skepticism swirling around NASA's plan to send humans to Mars in the 2030's, not to mention all those private missions. If we want to have sustainable (read: not bank-breaking) space exploration, the argument goes, there's no way we can do it the way we've been going to the moon and low-Earth orbit. We have to find a way to exploit space resources and cut down on the amount of stuff we need to launch from Earth. That's not a new idea. But this article in IEEE Spectrum suggests research on resource extraction and fabrication in low and zero gravity might actually be making progress...and that we could take these technologies quite far if we get our act together."

Comment Re:AI and "singularity" are laughable (Score 1) 339

You are quite correct. The problem is these people assume that physical reality as known today is complete. That would indicate that humans are mere physical machines. However there is absolutely no indication that physics knows it all and a few rather striking ones that it does not. Examples: Still no GUT, AI research has not even a theory how intelligence could be produced, etc. In the end, the whole argumentation is circular, like so often with the religious mind-set.

But: It is not completely impossible that AI will eventually be possible. However when we look at the only example of intelligence we have, it is possible that said AI will come with consciousness, free-will and and maybe even emotions. There is absolutely no indication these things can be separated and in the only thing that exhibits intelligence, they are not. That is another thing conveniently overlooked by those that confuse their religious beliefs with science.

Comment Re:Hypotheses based on Observation are not Faith (Score 1) 339

Actually, PC speeds never increased at an exponential rate, and currently we are even sub-linear. What did increase exponentially for a while is the number of transistors in there. The speed up you get is vastly less than linear in the number of transistors and the limiting factor has been interconnect for almost 2 decades now. And that cannot scale exponentially and never did.

Comment Re:Summary starts with a foolish assumption (Score 1) 339

Actually, _all_ credible results from AI research point into the direction that AI may well be impossible in this universe. The only known possible model (automated deduction) is known to not scale at all to anything resembling "intelligence". But that is the problem with you religious types: You place your beliefs always over facts when they are inconvenient.

Comment Re:Sentient machines exist (Score 1) 339

Actually, we do _not_ know. You assume a physicalist world model. That is a mere assumption and at this time a question of belief. There are other word models where this assumption is wrong. One is classical dualism, there is the simulation model and there are others. And no, I do not classify religions as potentially valid models, they are delusions.

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