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Submission + - World's Largest Aircraft Seeks Investors To Begin Operation (

An anonymous reader writes: The Airlander 10 is the world's biggest aircraft. It's an airship that incorporates elements of blimps, planes, and hovercraft. Buoyed by a vast volume of helium, it's capable of cruising at a speed of 80 knots. It was built as a military venture, intended to be used for surveillance tasks. But as the war in Afghanistan wound down, government officials found they had no use for the airship. They ended up selling it back to the company who made it for $300,000 — after paying them $90 million to build it. Now, a small group of investors are trying to get it operational, in part to show people how safe the technology can be, and to hopefully spur construction of more airships. They say the Airlander 10 is capable of surviving a missile strike, but visions of the Hindenberg still loom large in our cultural memory.

Submission + - Robots4Us: DARPA's Response to Mounting Robophobia is Adorable (

malachiorion writes: DARPA knows that people are afraid of robots. Even Steve Wozniak has joined the growing chorus of household names (Musk, Hawking, Gates) who are terrified of bots and AI. And the agency's response--a video contest for kids--is equal parts silly and insightful. It's called Robots4Us, and it asks high schoolers to describe their hopes for a robot-assisted future. Five winners will be flown to the DARPA Robotics Competition Finals this June, where they'll participate in a day-after discussion with experts in the field. But this isn't quite as useless as it sounds. As DRC program manager Gill Pratt points out, it's kids who will be impacted by the major changes to come, moreso than people his age (or mine, for that matter). Here's my post on the contest for Popular Science.

Submission + - Many password strength meters are downright weak, researchers say (

alphadogg writes: Website password strength meters often tell you only what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear. That’s the finding from researchers at Concordia University in Montreal, who examined the usefulness of those ubiquitous red-yellow-green password strength testers on websites run by big names such as Google, Yahoo, Twitter and Microsoft/Skype. The researchers used algorithms to send millions of “not-so-good” passwords through these meters, as well as through the meters of password management services such as LastPass and 1Password, and were largely underwhelmed by what they termed wildly inconsistent results.

Submission + - Confidential Documents on a Public Repository

anonymousone writes: Browsing online for available ways to customize a rom of an entertainment device, I came across a public repository meant for open source code, containing the entire project documents of the a major Japanese corporate. Documents include schematics, PCB files,source code, communication protocols between different controllers and basically all relative documents to the project, many of them marked clearly as Confidential, and carry the names of a lot of employees. Even worse, a text file with username and password for the corporate internal SVN repo, and several mirrors, even the username and password of the open source repo itself (this file was replace with a password protected one later, but the plain text was still available in the history), obviously created by an employee. How common are such incidents? As much as I was hoping for a customized software for such a successful product, I find it ugly to see the guts of a great product spilled like this in the open without the owners approval. How often are such incidents, and what is the best way to deal with this if I do not want to into legal troubles or get implicated into this. so please Slashdot community advise me on what to do.

Comment Re:Some advice to Indians (Score 1) 264

Funny you should ask. The Kannada version is and the Gujarati version is but I couldn't find one in Hindi or Sanskrit. Of course, in English (the language of the school) the way you say it is

Comment Re:Well if Wikipedia said it, it must be true (Score 2) 264

Wrong. Administrators are not employees, they are volunteers taking on extra jobs, nominally to execute the rules established by the community as a whole. In a community of mostly pseudonymous volunteers it can be very difficult to detect and respond to conflicts of interest in such people. Still, the community needs to find a way to do better.

Submission + - MuseScore 2.0 Released (

rDouglass writes: MuseScore, the open source desktop application for music notation, has released MuseScore 2.0 for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This release represents the culmination of four years of development, including technical contributions from over 400 people. In addition to a completely new UI, top features include linked parts (good for pieces with many instruments), guitar tablature, flexible chord symbols, and fret diagrams. The program integrates directly with the online library of scores, and music written with the application can be displayed and played using the MuseScore mobile app.

Submission + - Google claims 100% facial recognition (

LeadSongDog writes: In "FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering" a team at google are claiming that "On the widely used Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset, our system achieves a new record accuracy of 99.63%. On YouTube Faces DB it achieves 95.12%."

It's official. You now have no place to hide.

Submission + - Google caught altering search-results for profit (

mi writes: We've always suspected, this may happen some day — and, according to FTC's investigation inadvertently shared with the Wall Street Journal, it did.

In a lengthy investigation, staffers in the FTC’s bureau of competition found evidence that Google boosted its own services for shopping, travel and local businesses by altering its ranking criteria and “scraping” content from other sites. It also deliberately demoted rivals.

For example, the FTC staff noted that Google presented results from its flight-search tool ahead of other travel sites, even though Google offered fewer flight options. Google’s shopping results were ranked above rival comparison-shopping engines, even though users didn’t click on them at the same rate, the staff found. Many of the ways Google boosted its own results have not been previously disclosed.

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