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Comment Re:"Not intentional". Right. (Score 1, Insightful) 370

Let me make this real clear.

It is not the responsibility of the government to protect people from their choices.

If only a few people care then those few will not buy from the manufacturer again. (Problem solved) If a bunch do it then companies lose business and change or exit the market. (Problem Solved) If they tell you in the TOS "You are shit and we will change your shit anytime we want." and you buy the device anyway "hoping" to not get screwed, ... I really don't care if later on you are not happy with your choice.

The need for the population to do everything possible to convince me that they are powerless, stupid and irresponsible amazes me. So many people are so lazy that they spend enormous amounts of energy to become as powerless over their lives as possible.

Comment Re: Considering how few boys graduate at ALL (Score 1) 355

This is not about truth. This is about people with no skills or abilities being able to feel good about themselves by "kind of" changing the meaning of words.

Sanitation Engineers, Assistant (TO) the Branch Manager :) and so on. One day truth will be important again, but that day is not now. Now is scoreless games where everyone is a winner.

Comment Re:The wireless router is the bottleneck. (Score 1) 110

Give me a 10Gbs connection to their router.

Port 1: Direct connection to my main computer.

Port 2: Connected to a PC running PfSense.

Port 3: Connected to a wireless router with custom firmware. Secure wireless.

Port 4: Connected to a wireless router with custom firmware. Guest / Open wireless.

This will allow me to use a good portion of that 10 Gbps link.

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