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Comment Re:Asinine (Score 4, Insightful) 322

When you give someone the power to kill you there comes with it some accountability. These people are entrusted with the ability to rob you of your constitutional rights. A large portion of them currently are more worried about protecting their buddies than protecting the public. So, in short. Fuck their non existent right to privacy while being paid by the public.

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 1) 357

If you are deeply familiar with the case I would like to know how exactly it is that you can make this statement

The problem is the employer trying to make that choice FOR the employee.

If you had any familiarity with the case then you know that it is only about what the employer wants to pay for. It has nothing to do with what the employee can choose to do. Coming from someone "Deeply familiar" with the case this makes your statement at the very lease "Deeply misleading". You can jump out of perfectly good planes if you want to. I have the right to not pay for it.

Comment Re:The internet of things...that might get you kil (Score 1) 128

Correct. There are not nearly enough taxes.

The list of things I do not like and the list of things that should have taxes put upon them correlates fairly well.

Pay for people to do what you want. (Quit working and have\abort babies.)

Tax what you want people to do less. (Make money, Drive, Smoke, Drink)

Put people in prison for what you do not want them doing. (Murder (of people living over 3 minutes), paying for sex, trading stocks when you know for a fact the will go up or down, ratting out the government)

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 1) 357

If I do not like what you believe then I am fully within my rights to not associate with you. Customers are within their rights to not shop there. The workers are within their rights to not work there.

Where a problem comes up is when government comes in and forces you to act against your beliefs. A recent study has stated that Vegetarians are not as healthy as people who eat both meat and veg. If the government decided that being a vegetarian was a stupid belief would it be ok for them to require that all people eat red meat at least twice a week?

No? Why not?

These are the places we really do not want government. Just because you are not on the side the government is currently attacking does not mean you should be ok with them having this power over people.

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 1) 357

They do not provide insurance that gives out the drugs that the company does not wish to pay for. The employees already had insurance that the company paid for that the workers liked. The government stepped in and stated that the company had to provide insurance that did provide those drugs. This is what the case is about. The workers had insurance that paid for over 40 different types of contraception.

Facts about the things you are arguing about might help a little.

Comment Re: Customers may benefit... maybe (Score 1) 455

You obviously think that just because people are running from something makes it bad.

What about all the people who do not have the ability to just pick up and leave their home country? If all the people who can leave do and those are mosly the working responsible types who will stay and take care of the people who do not want to carry their own weight? have you though about them?

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 0) 357

You must be dense. Requiring someone else to pay for something that you want that they do not want to pay for is evil.

What happened when you were growing up that made you so sure that the world owes everyone free shit? Freedom has nothing to do with "How much shit I want I can get others to pay for.

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 1, Informative) 357

They are paying for it and you know this or you are so trapped by your beliefs that you can no longer see the truth.

Just because I am buying a package does not mean that I am not paying for the things in it. They choose not to put their money into certain things. This in no way prevents a person from paying for and obtaining these things on their own! Their freedoms are not being infringed upon in any way. Your access to skydiving is not infringed by me not including it in your pay package.

Since we both know the truth and neither of us claim to be developmentally disabled so badly as to not see facts directly in front of us, You already know this. You just want "That bastard religious company" to suffer. This means that you are being purposely disingenuous. That makes you a bad person.

Comment Re:Obligatory Fight Club (Score 0, Flamebait) 357

In what fucked up world do you live in where what I am not willing to pay for for you is equal to me denying your access to the same?

Me not wanting to pay for you to jump out of airplanes in no way equals me denying your ability to do so. It only means you have to pay for it yourself.

Fucking sad ass losers that can not understand why they would ever have to be responsible to pay for something they want.

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