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Comment Re:Classic Shots (Score 1, Insightful) 133

Yup Fox has been wrong about everything. Crazy fucks.

How can they expect to be believed when they say crazy stuff all the time. The IRS thing is a joke. Just because the head of the IRS took the 5th and their hard drives failed 10 days after receiving a letter asking what the heck was going on means nothing. The whole cancel our contract thing with the back up company was nothing other than a coincidence. this stuff happens all the time. I am a Systems Manager. Everyday we lose emails off local hard drives and the exchange servers while our high capacity storage systems are offline and then cancel our off site back up. Everyday! Sometimes twice a day.

Fast and Furious? The NSA spying? Obama Care? Those dead guys in some embassy that no one other than every other embassy and the red cross knew was going bad. Please. I only listen to CNN and MSNBC. Where I never have to hear these crazy things.

Comment Re:they might be right. (Score 1) 130

Oh, you *nix kids and your fancy email implementations....

Why on earth would they use Exchange to do such a task? Exchange is a product aimed at corporate users, not customers. They would just use some flavor of their SMTP service and a program of some sort (Perl. Perl fixes everything.) to pump the messages into it.

Also, no matter how many sendmail servers you have you can't get around the fact that egress still takes bandwitdth. And they are working at a little higher scale than the "watch me nerd out more than you" listserv.

Comment Re:Your taxes at work (Score 1) 501

You got cause and effect backwards. I'm suspecting you of wanting to use force of law because your words have made you seem that way.

Which words scared you?

This is not true. No one wants people to think in a way that they believe is "wrong". That does not mean that I wish to legislate their thinking or even their speech. I have the power to ignore people, not do business with them, walk away or enter into debate.

That's not what you originally said. You said, and I quote, "we definitely should though teach people"

I did say that.

Who is this "we"? Using the word "we" conjured the image of quote unquote the public teaching (indoctrinating) individuals of what "we" perceive as the "right" values.

The images of "We" conjured up in your mind are yours to deal with. In the teaching of values and morals to people, that is the responsibility of parents and family.

You can say you don't stand for those things now, but I cannot peer into the then-future sir.

So. What you are getting at here is that because you are not currently all knowing and all seeing that you can use your ignorance to state whatever you wish about others with no other type of proof?

Interesting. Can you convict on this ignorance or only accuse?

Comment Re:Your taxes at work (Score 1) 501

You must be a conservative or a liberal. I only think this because you seem to operate on the principal that if someone does not like something someone says or thinks that the force of law must be used to "protect" the feelings of people.

This is not true. No one wants people to think in a way that they believe is "wrong". That does not mean that I wish to legislate their thinking or even their speech. I have the power to ignore people, not do business with them, walk away or enter into debate. I make those decisions. With freedom comes responsibility. I am responsible for my feelings. Not some idiot with no ability to do any non surface based thinking.

The power of the law does not exist to protect your feelings. It should be wielded to protect your life, your property and your freedoms only.

Comment Re:Repeat after me... (Score 4, Insightful) 534

Security guards have the same powers that anyone else has.

They have no more power than any normal citizen.

Oh. And Fuck Cops. The ones that murder and violate our rights and kill our dogs, and the ones that stand by while they watch their buddies break the law they were sworn to protect.

Comment Re:Your taxes at work (Score 1) 501

No. No one said anything about criminalizing certain thoughts. We definitely should though teach people that personal responsibility is a good thing, that if your only info comes from TV you should not vote, that your freedoms are very important, more important than the things you want for free.

We should get people back to blaming people. Break your ankle stepping off a curb? Pay fucking attention. Don't sue the city then make them paint every curb fluorescent green and purple. Don't spill hot coffee on yourself. Take care of your family. Learn that food stamps are a temporary fix and not make them a permanent fixture in your life.

You do not have to make laws to change society. You just need to change the people.

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