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Comment It's a proxy for needing to revamp the post system (Score 3, Interesting) 215

The drone delivery thing seems like a proxy for the fact that the regular postal system desperately needs a revamp to include more standardization. Basically, we need some system which acknowledges that parcel and package delivery is an increasingly important part of the process, and we want to receive things unattended.

You can only sometimes get this now.

If we had a system where we standardized mailbox sizes to some specification, and then licensed out some NFC/smart card system to let postal workers/delivery companies open them, then we might be getting somewhere. Sure, it's not perfect and it wouldn't be everywhere at once, but if you could simply buy the relevant thing at Home Depot and then delivery companies could be expected to use it, it'd be progress. Then the free-market innovates from there: various multi-tiered security products or the like.

Comment Re:Property rights (Score 1) 215

The various flight ceilings on commercial aviation might speak to that, but I seriously doubt any court is going to interpret the law as being about property rights as opposed to public safety / nuisance.

You have all sorts of protections from things that never touch your property, but they're definitely not defined by the property boundaries. For instance you can't demand that soundwaves do not enter your premises at all - instead you can possibly get a neighbours air conditioner moved so it isn't above a certain volume, within the bounds of what's considered reasonable.

Comment Re:Dangerous virus (Score 1) 86

So I guess we shouldn't worry about Ebola either coz you don't think you'll ever get it either? Check your hipster-holier-then-thou-attitude at the door mate.

Influenza infects hundreds of millions of people every year, but kills only a tiny fraction of them. To die of influenza you need to have complicating conditions. The type you had are curable with drugs we already have. The type which aren't are the type of lifestyle or age related issues which are a problem no matter who gets them, and regardless of whether you get the flu.

A virus for which we also have a vaccine.

By every measure, influenza is not scary. People who get it do not expect to die of it. But we're also going to be able to bugger-all to stop it being a yearly global epidemic. Which is fortunate, because again, it's very hard to die of it.

Comment Re:Dangerous virus (Score 3, Insightful) 86

despite the fact flu is a much more common (and less "scary") disease.

Flu is killing 200.000 to 500.000 people globally every year.

Dying the flu generally requires complicating conditions. Most people survive it just fine. Ebola is scary because most people don't survive it.

Comment Re: But is it reaslistic? (Score 1) 369

So has the genetic code of numerous pathogens. That doesn't make them easily created. For a simple example, we currently have an entire field dedicated to bottom-up synthetic life creation (start with a DNA sequence, and bootstrap a cell). That's a hot field, which has required thousands of man-hours to understand.

Terrorists in field laboratories without proper equipment are not going to be accomplishing it. It is a huge expensive project.

Comment Re:Is it total shit like earlier Firefox OS phones (Score 1) 83

The indian market is 1 billion people, most in some state of poverty. You can "do well" there, by western standards, without touching more then a tiny fraction of it. Apple don't have 100% of the US population as a market, and don't have 100% of the market. In India, if both those things were true, it would only represent about 30% of the total population.

Comment Re:not reasonable at all (Score 1) 826

I think the fear people have with binary logs is that, if you get corruption, a human feels like they have a hope of decoding what the text was supposed to mean.

Although I think this is pretty naive - people thinking "dropped characters", as opposed to the more usual "50 consecutive messages disappeared". A binary format with proper message boundaries is exactly as robust as a text file in that capacity.

Comment Re:My opinion on the matter. (Score 1) 826

What's broken exactly?

Software has bugs and occationally they crash. I'm not an expert GNU/Linux system administrator by any means, and I've lost count of the amount of times when I simply wanted to just find a way to make the init system restart a service automatically when it crashes. This is trivial with Systemd, you just set Restart=on-failure in the service file and it's done. No need to write error-prone shell scripts or fiddle with run levels. It just works and it's well documented.

Straight out of Windows. Write buggy software. It's ok if it crashes once in a while because we can just restart it.

Also straight out of Windows. Make everything into one big integrated binary instead of something that you can see into or hack on.

Write non-buggy software. Hope you have the millions per line of code they paid the space shuttle team.

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