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Comment Re:I Pay (Score 1) 328

What you "pay for" is "internet access UP TO X speed".

And the key is that there is oversubscription at the end user cable modem. If everyone was doing time multiplexed operations (like web browsing), each burst of your transmission would likely be near full speed. But when you and all your neighbors are watching Netflix at night at the same time, the network becomes oversubscribed and speeds drop.

Comment Re:Sadly, sounds like I was right (Score 1) 204

Losing Eich is going to be the worst thing to ever happen to Mozilla, mark my words.

How is losing someone that thinks 20% of his employees are subhuman not a good thing? He hates his gay employees. He publicly admitted he is a Nazi that wants to steal their rights. He gave money to a cause that attacks them. Unless you are one of them, how can you defend his kind? Hopefully it won't be that many decades before society has progressed enough to put your kind behind bars to protect the rest of us from your intolerance.

20%? Got a citation for that, or just wishful thinking?

Comment love my kindle (Score 1) 2

My kindle is really my preferred way to read a book now.

The android app is pretty nice too. When I read on my nexus it gives me an estimate, based on current page turning speed I assume, of how many minutes it will take to finish the chapter. That is really awesome. But the nexus is thicker, heavier and has shorter battery life than the kindle.

Mine has lasted me quite a while. My kids have had issues with theirs but our experience has been the same as yours. Amazon service has been outstanding and we've had no problem getting replacements. And for a family it is ideal. Everyone is connected to my account. When we buy a book from Amazon (or email it in from Calibre) then everyone can read it.

Comment Re:Margeret Thatcher? (Score 1) 103

depends what side of the pond your on... though Palin always struck me as more retarded than constructively evil.

Agreed. That Spanish Inquisitor fellow never could do anything right.

Did somebody say "the Spanish Inquisition"?

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