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Comment Re:stupid observation... (Score 1) 909

just went to my toolbox to measure some - looks like they are about 6mm (so i guess 1/4"). nice find! we (europeans) also measure our tv-sizes in inch. and there's no such thing as a 8.9cm - harddrive. it's 3,5 inch. still it would be nice not to need a calculator when reading some measurement on an US-Website.

Comment Re:Nope. (Score 1) 333

been there, done that. for sure, an e-reader is better suited for this. but this hasn't kept me from reading for hours on the beach on my ipad. actually, i'd love to buy a dedicated kindle just for books, i just can't justify it to myself. besides, i read e-magazines as well - so it won't replace a tablet even just for reading.

Comment Re:LCD vs. E-Ink/E-Paper (Score 1) 333

don't know, what happened to my eyes, but since about the advent of the flat screen (coinidentially about the same time i seriously started editing videos - sometimes for 12-20 hours a day), my eyes don't tire any more - i can read for hours on my ipad before getting tired - and i'm pretty shure i'd get tired on a vintage dead-tree book after the same amount of time. so, no, as someone who reads quite a lot, I can't agree on this. but i'd still like to get one of these fancy e-ink readers - i think really optimized single-purpose devices are the future, not the past. (ntil the shape&size changing mothr of all tools is invented, anyways)

Submission + - Iron-air batteries look promising all of a sudden. And cheap. (

wonkavader writes: USC researchers have an article in JES on improvements to iron-air batteries. They seemed like a good idea 40 years ago, but were abandoned because hydrolysis cost them 50% of their energy. The researchers have solved the hydrolysis problem. Because iron is incredibly cheap, these batteries could be 25% the cost of lithium-ion batteries per kWh.

Submission + - Musopen Kickstarter PD music project completes! (

yourlord writes: Just under 2 years ago Musopen launched a Kickstarter campaign covered here on slashdot. Today that project is complete with the release of a large amount of classical recordings into the public domain. This brings an extensive collection of high quality classical music into the public domain. The project music is hosted on the Musopen site, and on

Comment imho it's not aiming big enough (Score 1) 90

"we need 75.000 for an unspecified marketing campaign for an unspecified project" doesn't sound too inviting to me - how about "we need at least one million people to give us at least 100$ a year over the next ten years to accomplish these awesome goals (insert planned projects here)". "give us 1$ on kickstarter to set up the big money-collecting and to show your interest" (and for your 100$-1000$ / year you get your name on a plaque on the moon, beautiful HD-Video Footage of everyting and a share of the company (which you might exchange to a space-ticket in the future)

Comment In Austria (Score 1) 314

In Austria it's about 15€/Month for 10Mbit down / 4 up, 24€ 30mbit/5mbit, 49€ 100mbit/50mbit. And then there's 10€ for UMTS throttelnd to 64kbit after 2gb, plus 1000/1000 (to all Carrera/to own carrier) minutes & 1000 Texts, 15€ throttled after 4gb, 2000/2000, 1000 Texts 20€ 6gb 3000... and there are no roaming-costs for other countries with the same carrier (three/hutchinson in UK, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, Ireland, Hongkong)

Comment eurogamer, 1up writing for ad-customers? (Score 1) 184

sounds like they are writing on behalf of their advertising-customers. nobody expects the mother of all consoles for 95$. it's supposed to be a small, cheap & hackable gaming toy - nothing more. sure, most arguments are valid - but they are not as important when you consider the price-point.

Comment it's a wiki, for spaghetti monster's sake... (Score 1) 370

there are so many things that need to be done on wikipedia - like a more structured approach to information. the design is sparse, and that's a good thing, imho. good design is about usability first, not about fancy-schmancy fonts and graphic design. and even if the minimalistic design weren't a good thing - a new design should be way down on wikipedia's to do list. i can understand the "simple design makes it easier to contribute"-argument. but really - wikipedia's design isn't overly complex or anything. if megan garber or someone else is to lazy to grasp the interface of your run of the mill-wiki, she probably shouldn't be contributing to wikipedia in the first place. maybe she should also think of returning her computer and go back to using a typewriter instead.

Comment it's at least the same work to do a rendering (Score 1) 282

so no worries - the times when everyone has access to perfect posable and modular 3d-models and enough processing power to produce photorealistic results in the short turn-around times which are common in professional photography haven't come yet. and even if - where's the difference in work to a typical photograph? sure, models will feel the impact, but for a photographer it shouldn't make to much of a difference if he uses a real or a virtual lens.

Comment the story sounds fishy (Score 3) 140

although i live in austria, i've never heard of the "austrian times" (and it's really not that big a country). also, the story lacks information about where this has happened (except that the fortune tellers are romanian), and i would't be the least bit surprised if the pictures from the two women were random stock photos. i'd take this story with at least a grain of salt...

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