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Comment Re:Somehow I'm reminded of Kirk (Score 1) 114

They explain that. It's not to determine if the cadet (it was given in Starfleet Academy) knows how to handle a no-win scenario, it was to see HOW they handled it. There wasn't a pass/fail (except, I guess, if the cadet curled up under the captain's chair and cried or something), it was a personality assessment.

Comment Re:Anyone remember... (Score 1) 153

> you can watch "Get Over It" on Netflix.

Is that a crack that GP should get over wanting to play his old games, or is there an actual video on Netflix that's actually like A Midsummer Night's Dream?

I ask as one who very much enjoyed the play, and wants to know if there's something I need to add to my weekend queue. :)

Comment Re:Reason: for corporations, by corporations (Score 1) 489

Because Title II was specifically written to apply to phone service, and the Internet does not fall under that, but an Information Service.

You keep repeating this, while ignoring the fact that, until the early 2000s, it DID fall under it already. The whole "information service" Title I reclassification came about because the ISPs said "the regulations are holding us back, we promise we'll play nice if you cut us some slack." Instead, they delivered conflicts of interest and asterisks all the way down.

Comment Re:AT&T (Score 1) 105

It depends where you are. I recently finally got tired of Sprint's bullshit (like charging me a $10 "4G" fee because my phone was WiMax - i.e. has never, ever worked as a 4G phone) and switched to T-Mobile. It works pretty well around home and the office, but it has a lot of spotty coverage in the "in between" areas, and none at all at the SO's apartment. Wifi calling didn't work right there, either, probably because of having 20+ SSIDs pumping through her living room. So coverage can still be a very real concern for them.

OTOH, they seem to have the self-awareness to realize this: When I called them about the problem, they hooked me up with a "free loan" (i.e. I have to send it back if I change carriers) of a 5gHz WAP. Hopefully that nails down the problem, but it's sure a nice surprise either way.

Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 1) 1168

Obviously, the state not allowing itself to intervene is obviously not an exercise of the power of the state - it's an exercise in restraint of said power.

Obviously, that's just semantics - one could just as easily frame it as "the state is using it's power to make it more difficult for individuals to seek redress against corporations that discriminate against them." No matter how you look at it, the state is using its power to make discrimination easier.

The actual discriminatory power in this case comes from the individuals and corporations that discriminate - if there are none willing to do so, or if there are few enough and their scale is small, then it's all of no consequence. Even if said discrimination is pervasive, it is still limited to what private entities can legally do - so it's a very far cry from what government-powered discrimination can do (for example, it is not legal for corporations in the USA to summarily round up their customers and murder them in gas chambers; or to incarcerate them because they married a person of a different race).

So what? So because the corporations can't round up people and execute them, that makes this law okay? Your argument boils down to "well, at least Indiana isn't making it legal for corporations to start KILLING gay people, so we should be happy that they're only making it easier to discriminate against gay people."

Comment Re:Convenience (Score 1) 214

No, you are ignorant of What is free software.I repeat: It's about freedom.

Actually, I know exactly what Free Software is (at least as defined by the FSF): I think you're just using the letter of the definition to ignore the spirit of it. You're conflating not distributing modified versions of released software with not distributing your own software - nothing wrong with that, we all have one-off scripts the universe at large isn't interested in - but there's nothing about that software that's "free" other than your statement that it is - If you decided that you weren't going to release it under the Oracle "We reserve the right to eat your Firstborn " license, the end result would be identical - no one else can run, copy, distribute,study, change, or improve it.

It contributes nothing to the software ecosystem or to society as a whole, which is the entire point of Free Software.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
