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Comment Re:That's great... (Score 3, Insightful) 20

Because TFS claims this could revolutionize the world by letting mobile 'break free' from restricted spectrum.

Meanwhile, back in reality, in heavily congested areas you're lucky to get a signal twenty meters using omnidirectional antennas and public spectrum. And it would be even worse if power restrictions didn't keep transmission range short.

I realize Slashdot caters to the Libertarian fringe, but the whole reason we have 'locked-down spectrum' is to avoid the tragedy of the commons scenario that occurs when devices interfere at random and everybody keeps kicking the power higher and higher trying to shout over the crowd until the spectrum is no good to anyone.

Comment Re:Dogs are best (Score 1) 139

The simplest explanation is that the ancestors of domestic cats were a solitary species and so a region of the brain that aids in social interaction would be an ill use of resources.

Cats are at an evolutionary disadvantage compared to other domesticated animals, which are almost all social and equipped with the biological tools for living in a pack or herd.

Perhaps if prehistoric man had been been more daring and domesticated lions instead of F. silvestris...

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