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Comment Re:Good. (Score 1) 286

Uh, no.

The person wasn't the target, the building was. If the individual was bragging he was at a military / terrorist C&C location, then the building and everyone else in it were legitimate targets. If the moron was there then it was just gravy.

Even if it was a school? The Arab culture is different from the Western culture (difference, not better nor worse). They see no distinction between a place for worship, a place for study, and a place for shooting rockets at infidels. Furthermore, many of the places are ad-hoc and change location frequently to avoid detection. Yes, the _school_ moves location with the military _command center_ because the instructors are planning attacks after classes: makes sense when you consider the very deeply religious curriculum. Note that I'm avoiding placing blame. Do you bomb the command center / school or not? If you do, then whose blame is it when the children are killed? If you find a command center, do you first check if it is a school? If not, then whose blame is it when the children are killed? And 99 more questions that all have the corollary "whose blame is it when the children are killed". It seems if the command center is in Gaza then world opinion is those attacking the command center are to blame, but if the command center is in Mosul then the blame is on the "terrorists who shouldn't do terrorist things at a school" as if those people wear only "terrorist hats" and don't actually do anything else in life like preach or teach.

Comment Re:america! (Score 1) 286

ISIS's goal is unlikely as pretty much everyone is moving to secular forms of government.

That would be nice to believe, but many states are removing their Western-backed secular governments and exchanging them for religious governments (who then often wage war against the other-religion neighbors). Just look at Turkey, Hamas, or Iran. Egypt is an interesting case that seems to support your statement, but Morsi definitely countered it and Sisi is perpetually two days away from loosing his government too.

The truth is that Iraq has never been homogenous, Anbar (Ramadi) is Sunni and the only thing tying it to the rest of mostly-Shia Iraq was the Sunni dictator who enjoyed ruling over Shias. With him gone, it was obvious that Anbar would break away, either by itself (unlikely), in conference with Sunni Jordan to the West (very unlikely so long as the wise Hussein remains in power), or in conference with Sunni Syria to the North (very unlikely so long as the brutal Allawite Assad remains in power, oops).

The only question was when Anbar would break away, and who would rule it. I'm actually surprised that it took this long, and I'll add another nail to the cofffin while we're at it. Two weeks ago, after the fall of Ramadi, the Iraqi army brought in a bunch of _Shia_ militias to retake (Sunni) Ramadi, even though Sunni militias in the area were asking at the time for arms from the government. And who is training the militias? Shia Hezboallah! The Sunni tribes pledged allegiance to the Sunni state (ISIL) just last week. Who would have expected anything else? Anbar is _lost_ on Iraq, no matter if it goes to ISIL or becomes another [kurdi|hamas|foobar]stan without a government.

Back to the central topic: religion unites people with their immediate neighbours _and_ divides people from their neighbouring states. Wise rulers know this and use it, that is why you will continue to see religious governments. If you think that the US is not a Christian nation, then I invite you to try to lead an April life in late December in the US. Or proudly walk around "looking like an Arab" in the US.

Comment Re:Oh? (Score 4, Informative) 38

A lander with a sore arse?

A writer with a sore arse. Here is one choice paragraph:

Here is the problem. The Curiosity lander had a mass of 900 kg (1 ton). What happens when you want to have a larger mass payload? Maybe you want to land humans on Mars. If you double the mass of the payload, you need to double the area of the parachute. Curiosity used a parachute 15 meters in diameter. If you doubled the mass, you would need a parachute 60 meters in diameter.

The first four sentences are complete non-sequiturs. The next three display a profound lack of basic math skills. The rest of the article is no better. That's what passes for "science writer" at Wired, it seems.

Comment Re:This isn't a question (Score 2) 623

I can think of one: Gay parents pushing their social agendas onto their (likely) straight adopted children are more likely to cause self esteem and relationship issues. This isn't much different than the stereotype of the belt wielding father who tries to beat the gay out of his son.

This also reminds me of those articles in the times about 'progressive' parents raising their boys as 'gender neutral', but really, they just force them to wear girls clothes and play with dolls.

Like you I'll get modded Troll for defending you, but I won't do it anonymously. You are about half right: there _are_ people who teach gay behaviour, and it is right now not politically correct to say so because the whole issue is very sensitive to people on both sides.

I have no more problem with gays than I have with Muslims, Jews, blacks, Beiber fans, or pot smokers. Each one wants to live his life as his morals, upbringing, and internal inclination direct him. Some feel the need to preach their way of life to others, some feel the need to coerce others to live as they live, and some say "live and let live". I'm really only comfortable with that last category, the first two are sometimes problematic.

So I have no problem that my haircutter is gay, nor that two of my childhood friends were gay, nor that I have gay neighbours. I do have a problem with assuming that everyone is gay until proven otherwise, and raising children "gender neutral" through deliberately gender-confusing means. I don't buy my daughters toys, dolls or airplanes, until they _ask_ for them. They get both, dolls and airplanes, when _they_ express interest. If my baby to be born next month is a boy, he'll be _allowed_ to play with both dolls and airplanes, but he'll decide what to ask for. Just as if he were a girl. He'll _probably_ learn to prefer airplanes over dolls if he sees other boys playing with airplanes, and that's fine. He might prefer to play with girls, and he'll have two older sisters to learn from, so he'll probably express an interest in dolls as well. But none of that will come from parents' agendas.

Some people have a problem recognizing that outliers are just that: outliners. They exists, and we should treat them as we treat anybody else. But don't confuse the existence of a few outliers with the fact that the bell curve is heavily weighted towards the norm. Like it or hate it, the norm is that boys want to play with airplanes and grow up wanting to fuck women. Likewise, the norm is that girls want to play with dolls and grow up wanting to fuck men. If 0.1% or 1% or 10% of the population is gay, there is still an extreme bias towards straightness. That doesn't mean that gays are any worse than tall or short people, smart or stupid people, fat or skinny people. I wouldn't even consider then "not normal" at 0.01% of the population. But children, adopted or birthed, should not be deliberately pushed off the edges of the bell curves of normal behaivour in any of the above cases. I'm sure quite a few /.ers will tell of how pushing children to be 'smarter' has hurt them, the same is true for pushing them to be dumber, fatter, skinnier, straighter, or gayer.

Comment Re:Cost bigger issue than sonic boom (Score 1) 73

We also get a sonic boom every few weeks (Beersheba Israel, and we got them when I lived in Haifa as well). It's less noise than a car going by, and lasts for less time. I'm sure if you buzz a shack at Mach 2 the boom would be deafening, but typical combat aircraft at typical don't-SAM-me altitudes don't make much noise. I've also had the pleasure of hearing the double sonic boom from the STS orbiters coming in to land over Florida. I don't know how fast they were going, but even those booms, though a bit louder I think, were no big deal.

Comment Re:Allowing your mind to close. (Score 1) 361

Thanks, I'm exploring your suggestions on Youtube now. The first few remind me of Charlie Daniels Band.

You brought up a great point, one that I've been noticing for quite some time. To find good new music, one needs to jump genres. Not necessarily because any particular genre has dried up, but possibly because more of the same genre sounds like it is either "missing the mark" it it's bad, or "copying the old" if it's good.

Thanks! If you want to try something new as well, search Youtube for Furtwrangler. He's a German conductor and his interpretations of Beethoven are absolutely amazing. The restored 1940's and 50's recordings of Beethoven's 5th and 9th symphonies conducted by him are completely amazing. There are a few of them, recorded in different years, and they are all a bit different, like different photographs of the same beautiful woman. They take a long time to listen to, the 5th is 30 minutes and the 9th is twice that, but you more "experience" them than listen to them. Try this one for starters:

If you want to explore the ninth symphony, I suggest just listening to the second movement first. It is far more approachable than the rest of the symphony, especially if you don't like the chorus.

Comment Re:Allowing your mind to close. (Score 1) 361

I'd love some suggestions for music, then. About the only two albums that I've been happy with since 2000 are The Fragile and Origin of Symmetry, and those are both over a decade old. What new music could you recommend, for someone else with a 'demanding' taste in music, such as attention to detail? I'm still listening to Meddle and Houses of the Holy on a regular basis.

Comment Re:Math check (Score 4, Informative) 91

5% are affected, Superfish is responsible for 80% of those affected, i.e. 4% total. Here is a restatement of the fine summary, with some noncritical interjections removed (and TFS was missing a comma anyway):

5% of IP addresses accessing Google are interrupted by ad-injection techniques, and Superfish is the leading adware

Comment Re:The guy completely misses the point (Score 1) 65

The "proprietary" OS features for accessibility are still ridiculously good and have only gotten better while Linux has been playing catch up.

Linux has not been playing catch up, Linux has been falling behind. Due to disability I use Sticky Keys and for a short time there was not a single supported distro in which Sticky Keys was usable. Now that it is usable again, it still has issues, such as if a modifier key is activated, a second keypress will not disable it even with the proper option enabled. I can work around this, but it is still a pain.

Comment Re:Crippling exploit in 3...2...1.... (Score 1) 299

I know that he means the on-board electronics in the battery, including the temp sensors and such. I'm of the opinion that all software is exploitable, even int main(){ printf("Hello, world") } has a clever exploit when compiled on a common consumer non-posix platform. If someone wants to hack that battery, there is a way that just needs to be found.

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