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Comment Re:Cost bigger issue than sonic boom (Score 1) 73

We also get a sonic boom every few weeks (Beersheba Israel, and we got them when I lived in Haifa as well). It's less noise than a car going by, and lasts for less time. I'm sure if you buzz a shack at Mach 2 the boom would be deafening, but typical combat aircraft at typical don't-SAM-me altitudes don't make much noise. I've also had the pleasure of hearing the double sonic boom from the STS orbiters coming in to land over Florida. I don't know how fast they were going, but even those booms, though a bit louder I think, were no big deal.

Comment Re:Allowing your mind to close. (Score 1) 361

Thanks, I'm exploring your suggestions on Youtube now. The first few remind me of Charlie Daniels Band.

You brought up a great point, one that I've been noticing for quite some time. To find good new music, one needs to jump genres. Not necessarily because any particular genre has dried up, but possibly because more of the same genre sounds like it is either "missing the mark" it it's bad, or "copying the old" if it's good.

Thanks! If you want to try something new as well, search Youtube for Furtwrangler. He's a German conductor and his interpretations of Beethoven are absolutely amazing. The restored 1940's and 50's recordings of Beethoven's 5th and 9th symphonies conducted by him are completely amazing. There are a few of them, recorded in different years, and they are all a bit different, like different photographs of the same beautiful woman. They take a long time to listen to, the 5th is 30 minutes and the 9th is twice that, but you more "experience" them than listen to them. Try this one for starters:

If you want to explore the ninth symphony, I suggest just listening to the second movement first. It is far more approachable than the rest of the symphony, especially if you don't like the chorus.

Comment Re:Allowing your mind to close. (Score 1) 361

I'd love some suggestions for music, then. About the only two albums that I've been happy with since 2000 are The Fragile and Origin of Symmetry, and those are both over a decade old. What new music could you recommend, for someone else with a 'demanding' taste in music, such as attention to detail? I'm still listening to Meddle and Houses of the Holy on a regular basis.

Comment Re:Math check (Score 4, Informative) 91

5% are affected, Superfish is responsible for 80% of those affected, i.e. 4% total. Here is a restatement of the fine summary, with some noncritical interjections removed (and TFS was missing a comma anyway):

5% of IP addresses accessing Google are interrupted by ad-injection techniques, and Superfish is the leading adware

Comment Re:The guy completely misses the point (Score 1) 65

The "proprietary" OS features for accessibility are still ridiculously good and have only gotten better while Linux has been playing catch up.

Linux has not been playing catch up, Linux has been falling behind. Due to disability I use Sticky Keys and for a short time there was not a single supported distro in which Sticky Keys was usable. Now that it is usable again, it still has issues, such as if a modifier key is activated, a second keypress will not disable it even with the proper option enabled. I can work around this, but it is still a pain.

Comment Re:Crippling exploit in 3...2...1.... (Score 1) 299

I know that he means the on-board electronics in the battery, including the temp sensors and such. I'm of the opinion that all software is exploitable, even int main(){ printf("Hello, world") } has a clever exploit when compiled on a common consumer non-posix platform. If someone wants to hack that battery, there is a way that just needs to be found.

Comment Re:Define 'Terrorists' (Score 4, Insightful) 230

Hamas launched their rockets into Israel, Israel retaliates with full scale massive military campaign --- Gaza Strip almost flattened as a result. While Hamas are terrorists (nobody can deny it) the Israelis are also not that 'non-terrorists' either

How did the US retaliate when Al Qaeda attacked them? How many Afghans were killed in that campaign, and how long did it last?

How did the US retaliate when Iraq attacked them? How many Iraqis were killed in that campaign, and how long did it last? For that matter, exactly _when_ did Iraq attack the US?

Comment Re:SwiftKey (Score 1) 140

I bought both Swype and Swiftkey for my Note 3 (huge screen). In both English and Hebrew Swiftkey was both easier to start using and consistently gives better results. I even tried using Swype exclusively for a few weeks to see if I could train Swype / train myself to get it to work as well as Swiftkey, but that never happened.

Comment Re:Are non-China users safe? (Score 1) 100

I don't know what certificates he settled on, but if you aren't doing a whole lot of international browsing, you can safely disable any foreign CAs (especially foreign government CAs or anything you can't read). In Firefox, you can get the country of origin by viewing the certificate and looking at Issuer, under the Details tab. "C = " will list the country code. Most of the big CAs are in the US, but there are a few big ones that aren't: Comodo, StartCom, Thawte, AddTrust.

In Firefox, you can disable without deleting, by clicking "Edit Trust...". Even if you delete a root CA, it will show back up on restart with all of its trust disabled. You can't delete them permanently from the UI.

Thanks. I did notice that a deleted CA returned on restart, but I didn't notice that it still had all of its trust disabled.

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