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Comment Re:AND IN "NO SHIT, SHERLOCK" NEWS.... (Score 1) 46

They were popular but they were famously bug-ridden and unstable. Nobody misses Windows 95 or XP, btw.

Hell, NT was the first moderately stable OS they had, and that was just because someone had the bright idea to halt new feature development for a period of time and focus on fixing what they already made.

Comment Re:Astonishing (Score 1) 27

Which came first? Government or a human's ability to be productive enough to sell the fruits of their labor?

That works if you're a prostitute. Without a government, it doesn't scale much beyond that.

Never had an employee that was critical to business operations, eh? I was one 10 years ago. I said "fuck you" and quit.

Cool story, bro.

Comment Re:Astonishing (Score 4, Interesting) 27

And what? Let government dictate how a business is run?

Why not? The whole concept of a "business" is nothing more than a fiat defined by the government.

There are all sorts of rules regarding businesses. One is that customers that owe you money have to eventually pay, and if they don't, you can run to the government for help. In this particular case, large employers have to treat their employees somewhat like human beings, and not just totally upend their families' lives with no warning.

Are employees required to continue working until I can find and train replacements?

Maybe if employees routinely quit en masse without warning, that would be an issue. But it's not an issue. How do we know? Because almost all businesses use an "at will" work policy if they are allowed. This means that being able to unceremoniously dump employees than is much more important to them than the risk of some employees suddenly quitting.

Comment Re:Don't finance Experimental electronics. (Score 5, Insightful) 148

This is nothing new.

40 years ago, I had friends blowing big chunks of money they didn't have on things like new high-end stereo equipment, scuba gear and souping up their cars. They went through the same home economics classes and go the same parental advice as everyone else, but they just chose to ignore it. I'm sure the exact same thing is happening now to a similar subset of the population.

Comment Re:Just let them use AI (Score 2) 115

I don't think that the point of writing assignments is to produce documents as a product. It's to have the student go through the process of gathering, analyzing and understanding the material, in order for them to learn it. If they skip that work, they learn little or nothing.

In the real world, being effective in directing a computer to produce a bunch of text that you know nothing about is not a worthwhile skill. If someone comes back with issues related to the AI-generated content, how would you address the problems if you're mostly ignorant about the topic at hand?

Comment Re:M1 performance (Score 0) 107

Apple is allergic to proper cooling on Apple silicon in the first place, at least based on the Macbook Airs I've had to deal with. The graph of CPU activity winds up looking like a saw blade, with the CPU ramping up and immediately dropping once it hits its thermal threshold, if you give it something taxing to chew on, like Prime95.

I understand the limitations of Apple's SoC and the reasoning for not allowing RAM and storage upgrades, but IMO at the very least they should offer the option for some sort of high speed caching tier, lest the low spec versions of its hardware turn in to e-waste years before the higher end versions.

It just sucks to see that on $1000+ computers.

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