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Comment Re:Not a big deal (Score 1) 247

the U.K.'s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) says that the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine's short-term efficacy was 89 percent between days 15 and 21 after the first dose

What is the efficacy 120 days after the first dose? Because the Canadian government, in its infinite wisdom, decided to stretch the interval between doses to 4 months.

Comment Re:Spot on... (Score 1) 270

C++ is crap for system/embedded programming because all the useful stuff that makes it easy and readable in C has been deprecated, mostly because it was deemed too dangerous.

Yes, I know that I should not be feeding the troll, but...

There aren't that many non-cosmetic C features that are not available in C++. Let's go over the ones I am familiar with, and you are welcome to add others if I missed anything important (note: I consider requiring an explicit cast to be a purely cosmetic issue).

* Restrictions on type punning (C allows type punning via unions, standard C++ does not).
However, most type punning requirements can be solved by using memcpy() or placement new instead of an assignment, or bit_cast (since C++20), and the optimizers are recognizing the pattern and generating the same code.
The other cases should be taken care of in C++23. That said, many compilers allow union type punning as an extension.

* The restrict keyword as a hint to the optimizer.
Many compilers implement this as an extension, and the optimization benefits are not that great.

* Flexible array members
I believe that it is a bad omission for POD types, but luckily many compilers support it as an extension.
There's also a proposal which I hope will be adopted.

* Variable length arrays.
They require a runtime sizeof operator, and are no longer used in the Linux kernel since 4.20, so I am not sure how important they actually are and if they offer a any significant benefit over std::vector (possibly with a custom stack allocator).

In short, nothing in the above qualifies as "crap".

C++ is crap for application programming because the benefits over much easier, better designed languages are non-existent most of time. Yeah, it's a bit faster in some cases, but it usually doesn't make any meaningful difference.

Whenever you come across something written in C++ you get this feeling of dread because you know that it's almost certainly total crap.

In the absence of specific and quantifiable examples, the opinions quoted are total crap.

Comment Re:Here's an offensive term (Score 1) 570

While you may feel that there is no difference between "the N word" and the actual word, many other people feel differently.

Many people feel the need to regulate what I can say, what I can read, what I can watch, who I can associate with, what dieteis I choose to follow or disregard, and what I can can do with consenting partners in the privacy of my home. When those people wield the power of state-backed violence, I may have little choice in the matter. Otherwise, I see no reason for their feelings to trump mine.

Why not be polite and respectful to them? It's really no effort at all to avoid saying that word, is it?

Respect and politeness are a two-way street. If a person politely asks me to not use a specific word in their presence because it makes them uncomfortable, and there are alternatives which I personally find adequate, I will try to accommodate their request.

If that person tries to ban me from using a word, or otherwise tries to sanction me for using it, my motivation to cooperate drops to zero.

Comment Re:master and slave have never been descriptive (Score 1) 570

The derivation of the word slave encapsulates a bit of European history and explains why the two words slave and Slav are so similar; they are, in fact, historically identical. The word slave first appears in English around 1290, spelled sclave. The spelling is based on Old French esclave from Medieval Latin sclavus, "Slav, slave," first recorded around 800. Sclavus comes from Byzantine Greek sklabos (pronounced sklävs) "Slav," which appears around 580. Sklavos approximates the Slavs' own name for themselves, the Slovnci, surviving in English Slovene and Slovenian. The spelling of English slave, closer to its original Slavic form, first appears in English in the 1500s. Slavs became slaves around the beginning of the ninth century when the Holy Roman Empire tried to stabilize a German-Slav frontier. By the 1100s, stabilization had given way to wars of expansion and extermination that did not end until 1410, when the Poles crushed the knights of the Teutonic Order at Grunwald in north-central Poland.

Comment Re:Here's an offensive term (Score 1) 570

You know, back in the IDE days, when I was extensively using the master/slave terminology, I never, ever looked at those terms in another way than purely technical.

Well, given that in no technical sense is drive 1 master and drive 2 a slave, given that they are peers and controlled entirely by the host, what you mean is you didn't so much use the term in a technical sense as got used to using a wildly inaccurate term that somehow stuck.

To allow for two drives on the same cable, IDE uses a special configuration called master and slave. This configuration allows one drive's controller to tell the other drive when it can transfer data to or from the computer. What happens is the slave drive makes a request to the master drive, which checks to see if it is currently communicating with the computer. If the master drive is idle, it tells the slave drive to go ahead. If the master drive is communicating with the computer, it tells the slave drive to wait and then informs it when it can go ahead.
-- https://computer.howstuffworks...

Comment Re:Here's an offensive term (Score 1) 570

Why didn't he just say "n word" instead of using the actual word?

Why would he? What's the bloody difference?

When you say "the N word" you know exactly what the word is, how it sounds, and how it is spelt; and the people that you converse with do as well. You are knowingly conveying the same information (albeit in a more convoluted manner while pretending that it makes it somewhat "better").

To me, there is no difference between:
- N*gger
- Digger with an N
- En Eye double-Gee Ee Ar
- iggernay
- The N word
et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. They are all equally offensive, or inoffensive, depending on content and intent.

The only reason to use "the word" is when there are others present who would make that connection - young children for example. Otherwise, it is either hypocrisy or some misguided superstitious belief that words have innate power based solely on their spelling.

Back when I was at school we had complaints because for English Lit. we read a book with the word "shit" in it. One time it appeared in that book.

Schoolchildren are immature. When I was in 3rd grade, encountering a "naughty" word while discussing a book in class would derail the conversation. This was no longer the case when those young minds matured beyond that phase.

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