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Comment Re:Ugh! (Score 1) 3

Please! Don't make us watch somebody's home videos. It so makes me wish youtube had at least minimal rules on aesthetics.

It's really not that bad. Minimal rules on aesthetics is ultimately a matter of taste. The content seems to be the relevant issue, and forgives one's poor taste. I recommend the "D'Anjou pear salad" if you can't stand the tacky tube.

Comment Re:R.I.P. Mozilla (Score 2) 171

How does mozilla expect sponsored advertisement to exist without a conflict of interest? It can't. Mozilla is now beholden to and will become ever increasingly dependent upon ad revenue, which in turn will ensure mozilla projects and opinions will be screened before release to meet the advertisers approval..


Perverse incentives dilute the mission. Just like PBS gradually becoming another corporate media ho. It's prostitution plain and simple. Call it lobbying, or fundraising, or whatever you like, it doesn't change the fact that accepting this revenue, in this way, makes you their bitch.

Comment Re:Lawsuits (Score 1) 212

I I have no doubt this lawsuit will ultimately fail, because the Oregon attorney general doesn't have the technical ability to prove the fraud and lies. The state has already proven they don't understand what they're doing. We're about to get a second demonstration.

With a name like Oracle I guess they saw that one coming....

Comment Re:It's called "theory" for a reason (Score 1) 55

It's called "theory" for a reason

Because that's the word that has come to represent the meaning of the word "theory"? I'm sorry, I can't work out what point you're trying to make.

I think it might be circular logic, which might suggest a closed universe (and reruns).

Its like deja vu all over again.

I just want to bang, bang, bang!

Comment Re:called Archaea (Score 4, Funny) 46

Researchers led by John Priscu drilled down into the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and pulled up organisms called Archaea

Were they called this before we pulled them up? Did they tell us they were called Archaea?

If I recall from my comic books Archaea tried to breed with Betty and Veronica.

I knew they were frigid, but this is the first I'm hearing about their meth usage.

Comment Re:Problem already solved (Score 1) 457

I really have to wonder if there are ulterior motivations at work here.


So it goes in the realm of social science, public information, and journalism of any color. How much of the phenomenology is social engineering, propaganda, or product placement? Where do the lines of credibility blur if in fact there are also ulterior motives being served by some, while by others the intent is legitimate. In situations that are varied and complex whereby "all of the above" possibilities are valid, how can we proceed with a one size fits all response that could possibly be adequate? This is why we must take the good with the bad and keep an open mind, else the ulterior motives you consider may become a more potent threat, in fact.

Comment Routine is valuable - accomadate life. (Score 1) 421

I believe that the problems in education are not unlike the problems that Americans encounter in living their lives. Its very hard for an individual to manage a successful life these days, even with an education. For parents with children and scarce resources and education its even harder. If year round schooling can be part of a routine for working parents so that they can consistently manage work and supervision of their children while they are at work, then I believe that will have a profoundly positive effect on the overall quality of education in the United States. If we can accommodate the lives of families to be successful in their daily routines, then our education system will find routine success as well. Dropping out has always been our biggest educational problem , so this is a sensible place to START.

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