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Comment Re:I'm looking now (Score 1, Flamebait) 134

First off, this is in a part of Iraq that the Iraqi gov does NOT control. They probably would have little issues with us taking it out.
Secondly, W has already shown that CONgress can be conned into anything.
Third, while I am in favor of blowing this to bits (along with the recruits), it does ZERO good, unless the iraqi gov and army is ready to defend itself AND if the gov. is ready to change. The iraqi regime that is in control is Shias and they have not been willing to work with the Sunnis. In fact, they did to Sunnis, what SUnnies did to them for many decades. What is needed now, is for their military to take back that region (with the west's help), and then grow up and act like a nation and not a religion.

Comment Time to build a cruise missile and send it over (Score 4, Insightful) 134

Seriously, after that sawing off a live man's head, I have NO problem with blowing these assholes away. In fact, I would be happy to pull the trigger to launch.

Now, the real question is, did this interfere with an on-going operation? I would hate to think that showing them how easy it is to find out info from their propaganda would stop its flow.

Comment Re:Actually, it does ! (Score 0) 375

And China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Burma, and Russia agree with you. They think that the west should get rid of ALL OF THEIR NUKES. And you know what. It would be a MUCH SAFER place. After all, we never ever see nations like North Korea invade places like South Korea, Or Pakistan invade India, or China invade Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Phillipines, etc. Or Russia invade say Ukraine.

Yes, it will makes all safer for the west to drop all of our nukes right away.

Comment Skip the H1B, and change green cards (Score 1) 441

Seriously, H1B allows a company to LOCK IN SOMEBODY at a low rate. Basically, they are a slave here.
Likewise, more than 50% of our legal visas go to Mexico, and little of it is for those that can help America.

We need to solve the illegal issue AND CHANCE THE IMMIGRATION LAWS. Get rid of H1/2 B. It is a NIGHTMARE. And quit making visa be based on nations or who they know here. Instead, make the green card be based on what the person can do here (i.e. PhDs or expertise in needed areas). However, with a green card, it means that these ppl can move around to better jobs.

Comment Scum of the earth (Score 3, Insightful) 441

The vast, vast majority of tech engineers that I talked to who are from the United States are very supportive of bringing in people from other countries because they want to work with the very best."

He's right, I have said that. Of course, I always follow it with "but only if they have unrestricted visas that give them the same freedom I have to shop the market and work for whomever they want", and I suspect everyone he's talked to (presuming he isn't making it up) have said something similar.

Because when the best of the best make $200k a year, it kicks the wind of out the whiners who complain about the the average programmer salary. But when they work for $80k and they can't switch jobs, that depresses my salary, and that is precisely why lying fuckwits like Joe Green and Mark Zuckerberg want to bring them here.

Comment Re:"Not eradicated" isn't needed (Score 1) 185

The point that the grandparent is trying to make is that you don't need to prevent cancer, you need to prevent cancerous cells from having a serious adverse effect on the organism. There are a number of benign growths that have cancer-like properties that people can live with and that don't spread over the body. Being able to differentiate the benign versions from the malignant and kill off the malignant cells would not require eradicating the cancer mechanism, but would (from the perspective of humans outside of the medical profession) count as curing cancer.

Comment Re:it's not the ads it's the surveillance. (Score 1) 611

I wonder if this will change, given all of the reports about web advertising being a bubble. Advertisers are starting to notice that, for most of them, the ROI is tiny and that's eventually going to trickle up the supply chain. If Microsoft were smart, they'd sell off their ad business while it's still at an overinflated price and then work to kill the market.

Comment Re:Which shows that they are doing this wrong. (Score 1) 190

You obviously do not realize. In this case, they do not have footings on those. Just a base. As such, they can do that elsewhere and bring it in via truck (have to reach the area via car, so, it is right on a parking lot). Taking this approach, they can cut the time needed in half, and possibly the money.

Comment Re:0.15 degree from a 3.7 kelvin... that's "cool" (Score 1) 39

No doubt that is what ppl like you said when the wright brothers flew about 100' just over 110 years ago.
And it is the same thing that was said by others like you when America made the lithium Batteries.
Or when Goddard flew the first liquid rocket.

It is obvious that important issues escape you.

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